Lieutenant G. E. Cuyler, of the Second or Queen's Royals,
has been tried by Court-martial at Simla, in India, for having reported
falsehoods of his superior officer, Captain Keith. There were two charges arising out of this transaction ; and a third for a similar asser- tion about Brigadier-General Sutton. Of the three he was found guilty, and sentenced to be cashiered the service.—Post.
The wheat crops in Lower Canada are said to have been severely inured by "the fly."
By the Criminal Returns from the Home Office, it appears that Somersetshire is the most wicked county in England ; out of every 393 people, one is committed : this is a higher proportion of crime than exists in any other county in England. In Devonshire, it is one person out of 736; in Cornwall, one out of 1,071 ; so that Somersetshire is twice as wicked as Devonshire, and nearly three times as wicked as Cornwall.— West Briton.