25 AUGUST 1838, Page 7



The business here has not been more extensive or important than usual ; and the fluctuation of the English Stock Market has been but trifling, the extreme prices only showing a variation of per cent. Bank Stock has improved, and it to-day 208%. India Stock has remained stationary between 264 and 265. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds have continued steady between 72r. and 74s. Piero. The purchases on behalf of the Savings Banks have been continued during the week; to the extent of about 10,0001. daily. The purchase of tu.day Was is Three per Cents. Reduced ; for which 95 was given. In the Foreign Market, stone business has occurred in Brazi•ian and Porta- guese Bonds; which has led to an improvement in the price of both these de- scriptions of security. Brazilian Stock is firm at 84i ; while Portuguese (Re- gency) Five per Cents. have been at 371., the Three per Cents. at 241, and the Five per Cents. (1837) at 31. The market, however, is not quite so firm to- day; and all these descriptions may be quoted from % to % per cent. lower. Spanish Stock is heavy, without any business of importance. Dutch Two-and• a-Half and Five per Cents. remain without variation. The Railway Shares are generally heavy. Those of the Great Western may be quoted from I/. to 2/. lower than last week. A meeting of the proprietary of the London and Birmingham Railway was held recently ; when it appeared that the average weekly receipt since the opening of the Railway has been 7,100/. It further appeared, that in order to complete the Railway, an increase of capital to the extent of 500,0001. will be required ; making the whole cost of the undertaking 5,300,000/. This necessity has operated unfavourably upon the price of the Shares; which have fallen about 3/., the quotation of to-day being 771. to 791. prem. There has nut been any business of importance in the other Railway Shares, or in the numerous Asphalte Shares.


Consols opened, sellers, at 94i ; but The market has since assumed a firmer appearance, and they have Kern done at 941 both far Money and the Account. New Three-and-s.half per Cents. are also i higher, being 101a 3. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds the same. The Foreign Stocks are without material variation from yesterday's prices, and very little business has occurred in them. Columbian Stock is rather firmer, viz. 261 27: Mexican are quoted 24% J. The Railway Shares arc heavy, with little doing—Loudon and Birmingham 76 to 78 prem.; Great Western S to 10 prem.; the others uominally as yesterday.

3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cont. Relieved New 34 per Cent. Anus Bank Stock I naia Stuck

Ditto Bonds

Exchequer Bills

Belgian 5 per Cents 9;; f 910 3 941 5 lira i a0.a4 2g4, "2 74pm ''' 7.1pm 1024 Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish Dutch 24 per Cents

Portuguese Regency 5 p. CH

Ditto 3 per Cent.

h ussiau 052215 per Cent

Spanish (1535) 5 per Cent

Defetred Stock

Passive Ditto 031 041 754 6 311 * 364 7 231 41 113 14/ 21X 1 Si i 41 5