Captain Hudson, an American, and his mate, F. Fitch, have
safely completed one of the most extraordinary voyages upon record. They sailed from New York on the Ath of July in an iron boat of 21 tons, 27 ft. long, and only 6 ft. in beam, and .arrived on the 17th of August at Marsteate, having encountered and survived some very heavy weather. The boat had 120 gallons -of water on board, plenty of provisions, which the adventurers ate uncooked, and a passenger—a dog—which arrived safely, but died of exposure shortly after leaving Margate. A diary of the voyage is, we believe, to be published, but what one wants is the dog's idea of the expedition. What •he thought from day to day under those novel conditions, no space to Tun in, no respite from spray, no view except the eternal expanse of hissing water, would be a real addition to human knowledge. What the sailors felt we can guess, what he thought would be the new thing, which not even the author of a pamphlet before us, who says, either in jest or .earnest, that bees talk Irish, is able to reveal.