The Empress Charlotte Of Mexico Has Started For Miramar,...
it is understood, failed in her mission to Paris. The Emperor cannot grant the troops, and will not grant the money. it is expected that Maximilian will immediately resign the......
A Very Important Fact In Relation To The Reconstruction Of
the United States seems to have escaped notice on this side. It is :simply this, that by an Act passed in 1850 the number of representatives in Congress was limited to 233. New......
There Has Been A Very Active Demand For American Securities
during the week, and prices have experienced a considerable im- provement. The importation from New York has been large, and large purchases have been made on Ditch and German......
The Moniteur Of The 21st Inst. Contained A Very Remarkable
paragraph. After noticing the report that the Emperor had written to the King of the Belgians disclaiming ideas of annex- ation, the official journal continues :—" This......
A Further Reduction Has Been Made In The Barak Rates
of dis- count, and the minimum quotation now rules at 7 percent. The supply of money seeking investment in the discount market has increased, and long-dated bills are in request......
The Inquest On The Body Of Sir Gilbert East Resulted
in an abso- lutely open verdict, the jury refusing even to declare that he was drowned on the night on which he was last seen. They " believed that he was drowned." The......
Captain Hudson, An American, And His Mate, F. Fitch, Have
safely completed one of the most extraordinary voyages upon record. They sailed from New York on the Ath of July in an iron boat of 21 tons, 27 ft. long, and only 6 ft. in beam,......
We See From The Lists That One Alexander J. Stewart,
dry-goods person, we believe, returns an income of 814,2001. a year, the greatest in America. If Mr. Stewart is not the mere representative of a company, it is also, in all......
The Crystal Palace Had Its Last Firework Show Of The
year on Thursday, and it was the most effective yet held there. There can be no place in the world so well suited for displays of the kind, and it is clear that the Directors......
Console For Account Have Been Quoted As High As 883
89 during the week. Yesterday the closing prices were 881 for money, and 88! 3 for account.......
Great Eastern
•• •• Great Northern .. •• Great Western.. •• Lancashire and Yorkshire •• • • London and Brighton .. •• ••• Friday, Aug. 17. Edda, Ang. 24. 25i .. 26 1221 .London and......
The Closing Prices Of 'the Leading Foreign Securities...
on Friday week are subjoined :— Mexican .. Spanish Passive .. Do. Certificates Turkieli 6 per Cents., 1858.. 1862.. United States 5.20's • • • • • • • • Friday, Aug. 17. Friday,......