mine Hostess." At the Arts Theatre.—Ballet Rambert. At the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.
HERE is enough deft characterisation and truth to human nature keep Goldoni's comedy alive in Mr. Clifford Bax's translation of me Ilbstess. The three Italian noblemen are cunningly ifferentiated, and Ralph Roberts gave a disarming naturalness to e Marquis which helped to make his imbecility almost engaging. , the woman-hater who is captivated and reduced to an impotent try by the wiles of the innkeeper, Mirandolina, Baliol Holloway ave the most polished male performance of the evening in a pro- uction that was not outstanding in this respect. But Mirandolina erself is the mainstay of the piece, and Judy Campbell's lively and tractive performance was not only brilliantly done but had a rare dividual quality that gave the part some genuine personality. At the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith, C.E.M.A. is presenting the lane Rambert ballet company in its repertory. I saw Swan Lake, t II, in a very praiseworthy performance with Sally Gilmour as e Swan Princess. Miss Gilmour's technique is not quite adequate this difficult part, but only the experienced balletomane would ice this, for in all other respects she is a delightful and sensitive tist of exceptional chakm. As the Prince, Robert Harrold had the quisite dignity, and the four cygnets as well as the corps de ballet danced with excellent unanimity and precision. The other items ae the attractive Capriol Suite of Warlock's, the Bar aux Folies- ergere, which ewes so much to Chabrier's sparkling music, and thd istinctly tedious 7ardin aux Lilas, in which the long-drawn-out lion is made unavoidable by the mediocrity of the music' by hausson, a composer who never succeeded in giving certainty and nclusiveness to his unmusical meanderings. JAMES REDFERN.