Happy Warriors Italy Seems To Be Full Of Happy Warriors.
The latest lettcr to read me contains a peculiarly interesting list of the butterflies observed in mid July. They included two types of swallow tail, `.! settling occasionallf......
Country Life
MORE than once or twice I have read in comments on this island refer- ences to the extreme wetness of the climate; but foreign critics as well some natives seem to have acquired......
Helping Housewives Sir, —the Interesting Article On...
the cur- rent issue of The Spectator prompts me to suggest that it will be a pity if we lose in peace what we have gained in war, namely the habit of giving and receiving help......
In My Garden Wasps, Which Are Exceptionally Numerous, Are...
busy with ti* apples, even before they are ripe, and destruction of nests is a dutl. As we are told that we must not destroy them with derris powder, °thot efficient means are a......
Scottish Art And Letters Sir,—may We Correct An...
seems to be conveyed in the first two sentences of your review of Scottish Art and Letters appearing in The Spectator of August 4th? A reader might suppose from this that......
Large Families There Are More Signs That The Season Is
likely to be one of the best ever for partridges. The stocks were large (owing partly to lack of cartridges and sportsmen), there were no July thunderstorms to bedraggle the......
Northern Grouse
Not often is the contrast between Southern and Northern Britain so sharply defined as this year ; and now that the armistice is over a fresh point in the contrast comes into......
Planning And Smoke
StR,—Your contributor Mr. E. J. Davies, in your issue of August 4th, is surely overcautious in assessing the value of the returns on district heating as not particularly......
The Forgotten Ally Sir,—in A Book Recently Published In...
The Forgotten Ally, by Pierre van Paassen, which has had very large sales, the assertion is made that one-quarter of General Montgomery's 8th Army at the time of Ala- mein—the......
Official Idiocy Sir,—in This Rural Area A Picturesque...
moor hens and wild duck is being filled in by " Army " authorities as a waste dump, to the material benefit of our villagers, who have salvaged, inter alia, ammunition, a case......