Signature tunes are the fashion nowadays, and some of them
any rate are much more recognisable than a great many mut signatures that come my way. A day or two ago a business lea reached me with a name suffixed of which I could not so much surmise either the first letter or the Iasi letter or any intervening lets or the total number of letters. It was simply a series of form] pothooks. This is very much too common: Many otherwise estimable persons seem to be seized with a wild insouciance wh it comes to their own name at the foot of a letter, and prod something which resembles the markings on a barometric recor either in a period of unvaryingly stable weather or at the crisis electric disturbances. Some day I shall write a homily on the pub duty of clarity, in thought, speech. and writing—fully conscious the time of my own deficiencies in all three respects.
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