25 DECEMBER 1909, Page 16


[To THIS MDTTOIL OF THE "SPECTATOR.'' SIR,—Please allow me to report for the information of my ninety-five kind and generous correspondents that I have now received money and guarantees to the amount of £720 18s. entirely through the instrumentality of the Spectator. This includes a noteworthy promise of £50 from the Mothers' Union on condition of a Committee being appointed. The whole of the money received-03 15s.—has been put on deposit at Messrs. Lloyds' Bank. I am sparing no pains to get a small Committee that will be entitled to general respect. May I explain that the reason for naming £1,000 in my letter of November 27th was because that was the sum which the National Vigilance Association, in their successful prosecution of a bad book in November, 1908, required to have at their disposal P We tender you, Sir, our heartiest thanks for espousing our cause in so chivalrous a manner, more especially because of the great harm these bad books and papers are actually doing to the present generation of young people of