[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1 Sir,—the Dangers Which
you point out as likely to arise from the continuance in power of a Liberal Government appear to me less immediately threatening than those we shall certainly incur if we......
The Duty Of Independent Liberals.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOL . 1 Siu,—It is painful for a Liberal whose ties with the Liberal Party go, back to past generations to realise that in the present political......
Cabinet Responsibility For _mal Budget. ['re The Editor...
" SPECTAT0 1 121 SIR, —Is not there a certain want of proportion in much of the criticism of the Budget and the results it is likely to produce? We hear a great deal about......
'11111 Conservative Party In Battersea And Mr. Burns.
[To THE EDITOR OP ins "SPECTATOR. ") SIR, — Your correspondent Mr. Hirst suggests that , the Unionist candidate should retire from Battersea as a "handsome return" to Mr. Burns......
Lbe The Editor Op The "spectator.") Sir,— Perhaps You...
a temporary exile, but a constant reader, to say why he welcomed Mr. H. Hobhouse's letter in your correspondence. Though a supporter of the Government, I could not support the......