25 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 20

H. B. has made an amusing scene (though we will

venture to say not equal to the reality) of the late Puritanical display in the House of Commons when its doors were closed upon unqualified scoffers. The saintly "Member for Heaven," in the character of Mawtvorm, is taxing the gravity of the House : the members, by their various attitudes of wonder, resignation, and suppressed laughter' expressing their sense of the infliction. Matowornes threat about the Spencer is a palpable hit.

Mr. Bernal" Caught Napping," and Sir Henry Parnell taking "a leaf out of the book of Exodus," are striking likenesses of those honour- able members.

"An Odd Fish" will be immediately recognized by all who have seen the original, as an amusingly faithful likeness of Mr. Fyshe Palmer, including his peculiar dress and air. His lanky figure, preter- naturally elongated, seems to be still shooting upwards, while his head looks like a flower on a stalk.

APLEas's Monthly Sheet of Caricatures, for: February, contains some capital touches of satire and "points of humour."