25 FEBRUARY 1832, page 3

The Journals Of Southern France Speak Of Large...

.FZIWINAND to - support 311011 311 - 1 311111,. On the 13th, Three regiments of about 3,000 men left Madrid for the Portuguese frontiers, where other troops are daily......

Drhatc Anti Vraftrbino In Partiainrnt.

1. THE REFORM BILL. On Monday, before going into Committee, Mr. CROKER expressed a wish that the postponed - clauses should be discussed previous to entering on the question of......

Among The Acts Of The Early Government Of Belgium, Was

the condemnation of a M. STEVEN, editor of the Ghent 31es.svng , r, by a military tribunal. The Messenger was a violent Orange journal, but the unconstitutional nature of M.......

The Senate Of The 'united States Have Refused To Ratify

the Pre- sident's nomination of Mr. Vi N BUREN - as Minister to this country. He must, in consequence, be recalled before the end of the session of Congress. His acts are in the......

Calcutta Papers Have Been Received To The 4th October. They

describe the greatest bustle as existing with the reported expedi- tion against the Chinese. The expedition, it is stated, will consist of 1:),000 men. All the disposable......

The Vera Cruz Journals Of The 4th January Mention A

military revolutionary movement that has taken place in that city. Gene- ral SANTA ANNA has been invited to place himself at the head of the garrison. The general ground......

A Long Letter From A Certain Baron An Der Smissen

appeared in the Evening Papers of last Saturday, charging Lord Po NSO while in Belgium, with first encouraging and then deserting the Orange party there. The Time-s of Tuesday......

The Greeks Are By No Means So Agreed To Have

their Govern- ment settled as the Allies are to settle it. Thu Roumeliots, and the inhabitants of the islands of Hydra and Spezzia, have adopted one line of polities, while the......

The Court At Paris Has At Length Pronounced Judgment In

the regarding cause rearding the late Duke of BOURBON S will. The Court treats the 'whole of the articles exhibited by the Princes of ROHAN as inadmissible and not pertinent.......

A Very Serious Rising Of The Negroes In Jamaica, Attended

with great destruction of property, has taken place. The Jamaica pa- pers received early in the week had stated the fact, and many of the details : the authentic particulars as......

We Are Again Told That A French Force Has Sailed

from Antibes for Civita Vecchia, or Ancona, notwithstanding a denial of Lord PALMERSTON in the House of Commons. The Paris papers of Thursday say two snore companies of......