25 FEBRUARY 1832, Page 20


23rd February 1832. His Rcq al Highness the Duke of SUSSEX, K.G. President, in the Chair. Mr. 1.ister and the Reverend - Madden were admitted Fellows of the Society.

Ti,. tinowina presents were announced, viz.-Micrometrieal Measnrement of Three Hundred and sisty-tbar Double Stars with a Seven-feet Equatorial Achromatic Teles- cope, taken at l,uii, in I-9, 1=90, and 1830; by Sir John Herschel, F.R.S. Exami- nation of the tniki:a Relative List or Boroughs," and of the plan on which it is con- structed. with an Exposition of the correct principle of Compound Ratios ; by E. Mac- intyre, LL.D. Time following papers were read, viz.-" On the Connexion between the Quadrature of the Circle and the Geometrical Trisection of the Angle ;" by Lord Viscount Mahon, FAS. tut the natio whieh subsists between Hybernation and Irritability ;" by Marshall Hall, M.D.