25 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 11


EITOeN EXCHANGE, FRIDAY. AFTERNOON. The supply of Money Stock in the Consol Market has been greater this week ; and this in conjunction with a large delivery of Stock which occurred yes- terday, the settling .day, has produced a decline in price. Considerable sales have been ffeeted on behalf of some of the Insurance Companies, who, it is under. etood, have entered into an engagement with some of the Railway Companies to advance a large amount on the security of their works. The state of money is, however, much more satisfactory than it has been for some time. Accounts have been received from New York of the same nature as those we alluded to last week ; but the exchanges have not at all improved: the necessity of large remittances to Holland and Belgium on account of the continued sales of Spanish Stock, made here on behalf of the capitalists of Amsterdam and .Antwerp, having caused a great demand for bills, which while it continues must plevent any rise in the current rates.

Dutch Stock has been depressed by intelligence received on Monday, that a new loan will this year be required by the Government of Holland. There does not, however, appear to be any disposition among the large holders to sell their stock yet.

Spanish Stock has flattened ; the continued delay in the military operations, and the sales to which we have before alluded, may he cited as the cause. There has been a tendency in the Portuguese Funds to improve; but the in- telligence recently received from Lisbon has checked it.

The Railway Shares continue depressed ; those of the Liverpool and Bir- mingham more especially.

There is a great pressure for money both at Liverpool and Manchester ; and the state of our Share Market has been entirely produced by the sales made on account of the Lancashire capitalists. The only shares in demand have been those of the London and Greenwich, on which the continued increase in the traffic upon the railway continues to operate favourably. The price was de- pressed this morning by an absurd report of pecuniary difficulty on the part of the Company, but a reaction occurred as soon as the falsehood ( f it became known. The following are the periods fixed for closing the books of the various Stocks, the dividends of which become due 10th April :

Shut. Open,

Bank Stock, March 2 April 13 3 per Cent. Reduced March 2 April 20 36 ditto March 2 April 19

:3i Reduced, 1818 March 3 April 14 Long Annuities March 1 April 17

Annuities for Terms of Years ... March 9 April 22 Old South Sea Annuities March 3 April 10 East India Stock March 2 April 13

SATORDAY Tv/ELve o'ceocx.

The Consols are rather lower this morning, several parcels of Money Stock having been brought to market. Exchequer Bills, however, maintain their price, and are now 30 to 32 prem. India Bonds are 26 to 28 prem. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been depressed to 26,; but the price has again rallied, and is now 264 4. Dutch Stock is flat, with but little doing. The other varieties of Foreign Funds are quite neglected. The Railway Share Market continues depressed. London and Birmingham have been done at 37 prem., and are quoted nominally 35 to 40; Great Western are 56 6 prem.; and Greenwich 2i to 3 prem.

SATURDAY. POOR lecterns. The prices of all descriptions of Stock are nearly the same as in the morning, with the exception of Spanish, which is rather improved, the operators tot the fall fearing to run the chance of Monday's arrivals. We are still without the French mail of Wednesday, which was due yesterday, as well as that of Thurte. day, due this morning. The Railway Shares are heavy, at our morning's quo. tations.

3 per Cent. Consols 891 1 Danish 3 per Cents.

Ditto for Account 901 Dutch 21 per Cents 3 per Cent. Reduced 904 i Mexican 6 per Cent New 34 per Cent Anus ex.div 971 4 Portinzuese Regency 5 p. eta. 44 94 Bank Stock — Ditto 3 per Cent. 314 2 India Stock Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. 51 52 Exchequer Bills 30 32pr Prussian ( ISIS) 5 per Cent ..

Belgian Spec Cents 1024 Bassi:m(1822)5 per Cent... 1094 114

Brazilian 5 ler Cents 85 6 Spanish (1835) Spec Cent... 264 f 751 61 534$

25 26