Ube Court, The Ring And Queen Are Still Dozing Away
existence at the Brighton Police. The King takes his carrisge-airinga as usual, when the wee.- ther is not too tempestuous; and we observe that the Queen took* ride on horseback......
On Monday, The Order Of The Day For The House
of Commons going into Committee on Irish Municipal Bill having been read, BELLEW the bill. Lord FRANCIS EGERTON rose to move the following instruction- i The Irish discussion......
A Petition From Mr. Charlton, Praying For His Release From
confine. ment, was presented to the Lord Chancellor on Saturday. Lord Cot- tenham, however, decided that the petition of Alr. Charlton was not such as to entitle him to the......
Fr Be Firetropotirl.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, for the purpose of discussing the propriety of voting remuneration to the Recorder, the Common Sergeant, and Sergeant Arabin, the Judge......