ebe Countrg.
Mr. Robert Farrand, a merchant in London, and the owner of pro- perty in Nor folk, was elected Member for Stafford on Tuesday. without opposition. Mr. Littleton, son of Lord Hatherton, talked of opposing him, but wisely forbore. So the Stafford burgesses have not made much by their election. Mr. Ferrard is a Tory. Ile formerly repre- sented the disfranchised borough of Hedon in Yorkshire, a place almost as notorious for corruption as Stafford.
Mr. Owen Stanley has defeated his Tory opponent, Mr. Meyrick, for Anglesea, by a large majority. At the close of the poll on Tues. day, the numbers were—for Stanley. 693; Meyriek, 586. This is really a gain of one vote for the Melbourne Whigs : as the former Member, Sir Richard Bulkley, was so very " moderate" a Whig, that he voted for the Tory Speaker, the Tory Address, and against the Irish Church Bill. When, however, it came to a family fight in his own county, Sir Richard supported a Alinisterialist, and, with the help of Lord Dinorben, returned him. The Tories talk of a petition against the return ; but we suspect that Mr. Stanley is safe. The brother of Mr. Edward John Stanley stands a pretty good chance of having a fair Committee.
A meeting of 1,200 electors of Sheffield was held on Wednesday, to select a candidate to succeed Mr. Buckingham in the representation of that town. It was agreed unanimously to send an invitation to Mr. Ward. A requisition, signed by a clear majority of registered electors, was despatched without delay to that gentleman : Mr. Ward accepted it immediately. His election for Sheffield is therefore sure—and, we believe, without expense. The transaction is highly creditable both to the constituency and their future Alember ; and we have not the least doubt that the connexion, thus auspiciously commenced, will be last- ing, honourable, and mutually beneficial.
It is said that a member of the Lowther family will be brought for- ward to replace Sir James Graham in Cumberland, where the Baro- net is completely " done up .," and that Sir James will come in for Westmoreland under Lord Lonsdale's wing. Will Sir James sub- mit to even this degradation ? A Netherby Graham the nominee of a Lowther!
The Leicester Liberals hope to return Mr. Duckworth, tbe Chancery barrister, with Mr. Wynn Ellis, at the next election. Mr. Duck- worth avows Radical opini8tis : he is for Short Parliaments, Vote by Ballot, Suffrage Extension, arid Free Trade. Let Mr. Duckworth keel) clear of Lord Brougham, and he will do well, we doubt not. His abilities and industry are unquestionable.
The rate-payers of Halifax have elected Liberal Guardians of the Poor, after a severe contest, arid by decided majorities. This looks well for Wood and Prothero at the next election.
The Guildford Tories have not yet succeeded in getting a gentleman to stand with Mr. Baring Wall at the next election. They applied to Mr. Best, son of Lord Wynford ; but Mr. Best intimated that he had rather not he a colleague of Mr. Baring Wall. We are not sur- prised at his reluctance. Suppose that the Guildford gentlemen dis- card Mr. Wall?—then they will have some chance of obtaining a couple of respectable candidates Whig or Tory, or one of each.