Anitivan—At Portsmouth, 234 Feb. Potentate, Ramsay, from China. At Falmouth, 20th Ditto, Good Hope, Mainland, from Calcutta. At the Cape. 12th Dec. Gilbert Munro, Nicholson, from Lendon. At St. Helena, Buteshire, Currie. from Calcutta. Sarum—From Gravesend, 20th Feb. Marquis of Bute, Lamont, for Madras; 21st, Herefordshire, Richardson, for Bombay ; Robert Small. Hight. for Madras. Re- gular, Budd, for Bombay; and 23d, Passenger, Watson, fur China. From Liverpool, 18th, Potter, Sadler, for Ceylon ; and 23d, Lancaster, Jefferson, for Bombay. From Greenock, 18th, John Bull, Gardner, for Calcutta; and 21st, Burley, Miller, for Singapore.