Military Gazette.
WAR.OFFICE, Feb. 24.-7th Reg. Drag. Guards-Lieut, J. R. Heaton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Thompson, who retires ; Lieut. R. Bambrick, from the 11th Light Drags. to be Capt.......
Fine Arts.
MODERN PICTURES AT THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. [SECOND NOTICE.] WHEN we look through this exhibition with an eye to the art rather than the subjects of the pictures, it is curious......
Panorama Of Edinburgh.
THE Queen's visit to Scotland has given rise to a new panorama of Edinburgh, which Mr. BURFORD has painted from sketches made by himself on the occasion. It is nearly twenty......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Feb. 21. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Thope aunt Co. Brighton, cheesemongers=3Valker and Armitage, Manchester, wool- len-cloth manufacturers -W. and A. Godwin. Market......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 11th January, at Argaty, Perthshire, Mrs. Burro w+ Holtz, of a son and heir. On the 31st, at Rome, the Lady of the Rev. Farrar MASSINOBERD, of a son. On the 12th......