Tuesday, Feb. 21.
Thope aunt Co. Brighton, cheesemongers=3Valker and Armitage, Manchester, wool- len-cloth manufacturers -W. and A. Godwin. Market Drayton, horse-hair seating ma- nufacturers-Brown and Sons, Prescot, Lancashire, balance-makers-I. and B. Hal- stead, Bradford Yorkshire. brass fuuuders-W. and M. Newell, Birstal, coal.merchants -Avery aod Cook. Camberwell, butchers-Alexander and Co. Liverpool, wine dealers -Hemsley and Darby, King Street, Cheapside, general agents-Ward 'and Barrow, Manchester, shirt-front makers- Richardson and Macfadzen, Manchester, joiners-- Hartley and Holmes. Halifax, Yorkshire, worsted stuff manufacturers-Stott and Aitken, Irwell Vale, Lancashire, cotton spinners-Wood and Co. Constantinople, com- mission-merchants - Fearnhead and Haubury,, attornies-Dewhirst and Wilkinson, Bradford, Yorkshire. linendrapers-Briggsand Hargreaves, Blackburn. cotton-waste dealers-Minchin and Co. Blakeney, Gloucestershire. drapers-Gee and Taylor, Macclesfield. small ware manufacturers- Mackintosh and Co. Nottingham, hatters-Muir and Poppleton. Bradford, Yorkshire, surgeons-Woodcock and Austin. Aldersgate Street, dyers-Bell and Co. Ludgate Street, tailors -Cox and Curser, Daventry, attomies-fdeaduw Bank Brewery Company, London.
Onion, Moscow Read, Bayswater, artist-Cresswell. King's Bromley. Staffordshire. farmer -Keigwin, Penzance, carpenter-Wharton. Salford, traveller-Fry. Newport, Monmouthshire, surgeon-Crossley, Wallasey, Cheshire, out of business-Ileuderson, Monk Wearmouth, Durham, tinner-Edmunds, Northampton, gentleman-Crowther, Calverley. Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturer-Barton, Gravesend. journeyman tallow- chandler-Hutchinson, Liverpool, shoemaker-Coyle, Colesbill Street, Pimlico-Good- fellow. Shelton Potteries, Stalforushirts, schoolmaster-Hannay. Liverpool. boardiog- house keeper-Norman. Nrston, Cheshire, innkeeper -Clayton, Bing ey. Yorkshire, mechanic-Barnett. Walton on-the Hill, Lancashire, out of business-Whitworth. Halifax, cloth tinisher-Graeber, Woolwich, Lieutenant on half pay-Fearon, Stan - wiz.. Cumberland, Captain on half pay--Jordan, Ilarthurn. Northumberland, inn- keeper-Margetts, St. Georges Road, Southwark, dealer iu milk-Gilbert, Nantwich,
bootmaker. BANKRUPTS. CRALLAN, Jortw, Sunderland, timbermerchan.t to surrender March 10. April 7: sell' citors. Messrs. Swaine and Co. Old Jewry ; and Mr. Young, Sunderland ; official ar- eignee, Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Evans. Jona. Torquay, Devonshire, ironmonger, Marra? 1. April 5: solicitors. Messrs. Terrell and Roberts, Exeter; and Messrs. Thompson and Cu. Cannon Street; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.
Forma, Joan LAMBERT, Jewry Street, eoaelvmaker, March 1, 29: solicitor, Mr. Hopped. Bishopsgate Street : official assignee, Mr. Laekingtou, Coleman Street Buildings.
MASON, RICHARD. St. Alban's, corn-dealer. March 2. April 3: solicitors. Messrs. Bridger and Blake. Finsbury Circus ; official assignee, Mr. Greens. Abehurch Lane. OXBORROW, Manomier, Stockport. pawnbroker. March 2. 31 solicitor. Mr. Ashurst, Cheapside; official assignee. Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. ROBINSON, WILLIAM. Liverpool. dealer in glass, March 8. April 4: solicitors, Mr. Ewer. Liverpool; and Mr. Storey, Gray's luu : official assignee, Mr. Carrauve, Liverpool. SELDOM!, Geonoz. Berkeley. baker, March 7. April 12: solicitors, Bishop and Wells. Dursley ; Austin and Wallis. New Broad St. ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan. Bristol. Surnerox, JoHN. Lowestoff, victualler, March 4, April 4 ; solicitors. Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
VICKERS. ABRAHAM, Manchester. ironmonger, March 7. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Bagshaw and Stephenson. Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Hubsou. WRIGHT, EDWARD. and GEORGE, Bodmin, breu erg, March 1. April 5: solicitors. Mr. Bann, Plymouth; and Messrs. Poole and Gamden, Gray's Inu ; official assignee,
Mr. Kernamau, Exeter. DIVIDENDS.
March 16, Yaudle and Field, Beaumont Street, Marylebone. coachmakers -March 16. Blason, Ecton, Northamptonshire, innkeeper-March 24. Harril, Bristol. auc- tioneer-March 21, Cheetham and Wadsworth. Macclesfield silk throwsters- March 16, Haddock, Warrington, Lancashire, bookseller-March 16, Casson, Liverpool, coin merchant. CERTIFICATES
To be granted. oaten cause be shown to the contrary on or before March 14. Lodge, Gerrard Street, bath proprietor-Lawley, Stafford, cooper-Filmer and Good- ing, Whitechapel. brewers-Ditchfield, Hiudley. cotton-spinner-Fletcher. Manches- ter, bookseller-Gifford. Mark Lane. winemerchant -Oakley and Wise. Poole, corn. dealers-Saunders, Northampton, linendraper-Piggott, Manchester, embosser- Really. Birmingham, draper-Tattersall, Liverpool, corn.merchant-Cole, Hampton. innkeeper-Turner, Wood Street. warehouseman- Grundy. Manchester, yarmdealer - Union. Liverpool, merchant-Hepworth. New Melton, woollendraper -Wood, Melt, Fliutshire. chert.merchaut- Scamplon, Coventry grocer-Swift. Manchester. draper - Fullford, Birmingham. draper-Thwaites. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brewer-Mather and Co. Manchester, iron-founders.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
March 16, Parker, Piccadilly, lump-manufacturer-March 16, Blasou, Ecton, North- amptonshire, innkeeper - March 16. Brewer. Ramsgate, bookseller-March 14, Had- ingbam, Cambridge. liueudraper -March 16. Manning. Camden Town, grocer-March 16, Boucher, Birmingham. shawl-dealer-March 16, Fricour, St. Martin's Lane, hotel- keeper-March 16, Burslem, King's Lyon, stationer-March 14, Burgon, Bucklers- bury, hardwareman- March 16. Jones. Devereux Court, Strand, hotel-keeper-March 22, Lewis Tredegar. Monmouthshire, draper-March 21, Clark. Bridgewater, linen- draper-March 15. Ridgway, Huddersfield, wool-merchant-March 15. Dansou Grace. church Street, ironmonger-March 20, Dartnell, Cam, clothier-March 22, Hoskins.
Croscombe. Somerseishire. baker-March 21. Hyatt. Shepton Mallet, scrivener- March 22. Marsden. Tredegar, linendraper-March 14, C329031, Liverpool, corn-mer.
chant-March 31, Whitehall, Wellington. Shropshire, innkeeper-March 17, Mere- dith. Persbore, Worcestershire, woolstapler-March 28, Sargent. Nottingham, grocer- March 17. Bilton. Kingston-upon•Hull, wine-merchant-March 17, Barker. Leeds, dyer-March 14, Barton, Liverpool merchant. ileArTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
Hamm J., Edinburgh, engraver. Feb. 25. March 22.
WALISTER. A.. Glasgow, underwriter. Feb. 27, March 20. WFARLANE, R. and Spasm, D., Glasgow. Feb. 27, March 20. Erratum iu the Gazette of the 14th instant. The day of meeting for allowing a certi- ficate to C. Allan, Walsall, sadler, should have been March 9, and not February 9.
Friday, Feb. 24.
Hutchinson and Son, Mark Lane, hemp-dealers-Yates and Co. Preston, lineu- drapers-E. and R. Baynes. Laucaster, corn-dealers-Newington and Co. High Hol- born, chiriamen ; as far as regards S. T. Newington-Oxley and Co. Shield Row, Dur- ham. brewers; as far as regards A. Moore and G. Oxley-Underwood and Chappell, Dover, printers-Piddocke and Sawyer. Ashby-de-la-Zourch, attornies-Liston and Woodrow, Glasgow, chemical manufacturers-Reyroux and Vigue, Old Broad Street, attornies-Yates and Cornish Taunton, timber merchants-Jones and Co. Rochdale, linendrapers ; as far as regards J. Jones-J. and T. Holt. Manchester. plumbers- Machell and Robinson, Peckham, builders -IL and C. Dubbing. Sunderland near the sea, hatters-Webb and Albra. Socking, Essex, liuendrapers-Newton and Co. Leeds, flax-makers; as far as regards J. Smith -Danks and Co. carriers on the River Severn- ligynor and Co. builders-R. and H. Clarke, East Hurling, Norfolk. brick-makers - Winkle and Nephew, Bristol, linendrapers-Webb and Co. Glossop. lineudrapers- Schott and Lavater, Manchester, merchants; as far as regards Buckler-Moore and Co. Pudsey. Leeds. clothiers-Garrad and Constable, Colchester, merchants-11f' Kay and Robertson, Houston. slaters-Bly ths and Graham. Edinburgh. merchants. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT.
Gilbert. Nantwich. bootmaker-Thoruton, Martha, Dewsbury. out of business- Thornton, Mary. Dewsbury. out of business-Thornton. C. Dewsbury, commercial traveller-Law, otherwise Smith. ctherwise Low. Rochdale, labourer-Douglas. Man- chester, hosier-Swallow, Birstal. Yorkshire, carpet-weaver-Young, Darlington. ac- countant-Parsonage, Audlem, Cheshire, plumber-Raymond. Porchester Gardeus. Bayswater, carpenter -Vicary, Great Che,terfield Street, cabinetmaker-Jones, Chester, wheelwright-Miller, Castle Street, Leicester Square. attorney's clerk- 4.4askiu, Aston. Warwickshire. beer retailer- Dangerfield, See ard Street. leather boot- lace maker-Spencer, Leeds, out of business-Bevin. Walton on-the-Hill, out of busi- ness-Brotherton, Great Bolton, chairmuker -Fox, Chorley, Lancashire. attorney at law-Ward, Wolverhampton. carpenter-Read, Kirton, Lincolnshire, baker-Parker, Birmingham, First Lieutenant. R.M., on half-pay-Evans. Upper Clifton Street, Slioreditcb, saddler-Gould. Chilcompton, Somersetshire, farmer - Clegg. Rochdale, stollen Weaver-Ashton. Manchester. hat manufacturer -Bagnall, Birmingham. huck- ster-Morgan. Kensington Street, Newington, out of business -Feltham , Bow, Cus- tomhouse clerk-Clarke, Gray's Inn, attorney-at-law.
AUSTEN, EDWARD, Walmer, grocer, Feb. 23.
WARD, JOHN, Instead, Norfolk, cattle-jobber.
COBB, GEoR0E. Nottingham, victualler, to surrender Match 3, 31 : solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Howley, Nottingham ; official assignee. Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. Camas, JoHN Hsnitrsort Soho Square, bookseller. March 4. April 7: solicitor, Mr. Robson, Clifford's Inn ; official assignee. Mr. Pennell. Basinghall Street. DUIMAN, MAID, Derby, engineer, March 6, April 1: solicitors, Messrs. Huish and Co. Derby ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. Hemet, Joux. Thames Irouvo rice, Rotherhithe, euginee, March 6. April 7: soli- citor, Mr. Ash'ey, Old Jewry ; official assignee. Mr. Alsager. Birchin Lane. Imam, Lamas, Old Fish Street Hilt, stationer, March 4. April 7: solicitor. Mr. \Yellen. Bucklerabury; official assignee. Mr. Ill lamer°. Basiughall Street. LINFORD, JOHN THOMAS. and Weems. JoHN, Canterbury. chemists. March 14, April 7: solicitor. Mr. Smith, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Old Jewry. Moms, EDWARD, Brighton, Tunbridge ware-manufacturer, March 7, 31 : solicitors, Messrs. Freeman, Coleman Street ; and Mr. Benson, Brighton ; official assignee, Mr. Greeu, Aldermanbury. NEWMARCII, GEOaaa. Sheffield. furrier, March 10, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Mr. Bewley, Nottingham ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. .Picnearxe, JOSEPH. Bedford. upholsterer, March 3. 31 : solicitors, Mr. Dangerfield, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Brinton, Kidderminster : official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. RIMSELL, WILLIAM, Kingston-upou.Thames, innkeeper. March 3. April 7: solici- tors, Messrs. Walter. and Demainbray, Kingston-upon-Thames; Mr. CheXer, Par- sonage-row. Newington-butts; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Busingliall Street. SEAsolitN, GEORGE, Berkeley, baker. March 6. April 13: solicitors. Messrs. Aston and Wallis, New Broad Street; and Messrs. Bishop and Wells, Dursiey ; official as- signee, Mr. Morgan. Bristol. Taws, Jesse, Shelton, earthenware manufacturer, March 3, April 7: solcitors, Mr. Warren. Market Draytou; and Mr. Hodgsou, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Valpy. Birmingham. WRIGHT, JAMEs, Horsforth, Yorkshire. cornaniller. March 7. April 4: solicitors, Messrs. Robinson and Barlow. Essex Street; and Messrs. Ward and Son, Leeds ; official assignee. Mr. Fearns, Leeds. WRIGLEY, THOMAS, Halifax, silk-waste-spinner, March 14. April 5: solicitors. Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Middle Temple and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENte. March 17, Palmer. Lynn, draper-March 7, Ellis. Calcutta. merchant-March 7, Gummer, Hart St. Mark Lane, wine merchant-March 7, Campbell. Cleveland Row, merchant - March 20, Dubbius. Brighton, plumber-March 20. Haviside, Jerusalem Coffeehouse. master-mariner-March 25. Wright and Co. Henrietta Street. bankers- April 5, Ward, Manchester, plumber-March 22, Tomkinson, Stoke upon-Trent, wine merchant-March 22, Robinson. Nottingham, stationer-March 31. Sargent, Notting- ham, grocer-April 6. Wolff. Huddersfield, merchant-March 22, Menuell, Leeds, cloth merchant-March 21, Armstrong, Castle Edeu, grocer.
Tu be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before March 17. Goodall. Epworth. Lincolnshire. chemists - Ashcroft, Arbour Square, Commercial Road, Cooper-Bostick, Brighton. hatter-Muddell. Freeman's Court. Coinhill. wine- merchant-Holt, Mansfield, hatter-Parker. Manchester, coach-builder-Dickson. Neweastle.upou-Tyne. draper-Bradbury. Stockport. draper -Rennoldsou , South Shields, miller-Chawner. Hinckley. Leicestershire, tea-dealer-Ryland, Liverpool, tanner-Whitney, Liverpool, soap boiler-Bonny, Liverpool, tailor-Castle. Wanbo- rough Wiltshire. sheep-dealer -Luscornbe, Plymouth. maltster-Green, Dartmouth, ship-builder-Wood and Sons. Cumberworth, Yorkshire, fancy cloth-manufacturers- ]. and W. Herring. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants -Thelwell, Manchester, silver- smith-Cridland, Totnes, saddler-Fraser, Brook Street. Bond Street. Italian ware- houseman - Jay, Loudou Wall, builder-Watson, Cornhill. flag-manufacturer. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting.
March 18. Hague and Co. Wapping Wall, engineers-March 18, Lowther. Queen's Row. Pentonville, builder-March 17, Colnett, Gravesend. hotel-keeper-March 17, Holland, Chipping Wycombe, corawainer -March 20. Hillier, Lymington. innkeeper - Marcia 20, Herrick, Prospect Place, St. George's Road. victualler-March 20, Coates,
Hart Street. Bloomsbury, apothecary-Much Morrish, Keynsham. Somersetshire. maltster-March 23, Barri!, Bristol, auctioneer-March 20. Dircks, Liverpool, mill- wright-March 20. Blatchford, Plymouth. miller-March 22, Gregory, Sheffield. ma- nufacturer of table-knives-March 23, Smith. Sheffield, cutler-March 22, Davies, Wellington, Shropshire. plumber-March 20, Brown, Liierpool, commission-merchant
- March 18, Loyal'. Kingston-upon Hull. miller-March 18. Linskill, Bridlington, Yorkshire, schoolmaster-March 20. Newton, Derby. liquor-merchant-March 21, Ashworth, Rochdale, worsted-manufacturer-March 21, Wilson, Manchester. ware- houseman -March 21, Robinson, Rochdale, woollen-manufacturer-March 21, Bowyer, Sutton, Cheshire, provision-dealer.
Rosa. W. Cambridge, near Airdrie. Feb. 28, March 21.