25 FEBRUARY 1860, Page 10


STOCK Exemours, FRIDAY Armaxoes.

The English Markets have been -firm and rather more animate this neck. Consols were first quoted on Monday eteady at 940 94' t and continued at that price during the day. The large majority obtained by Ministers in the evening caused the Funds te open nest morning at a decided improvement, and Consols were actively dealt in at-941 95. Money has been in-good sup- ply and rates for short periods on Government Securities have averages] 2 per Cent. Out of doors likewise there has been considerably less demand for accommodation, and altogether the Money Market is in a much easier condition. On Wednesday, a further rise took place in Consols owing to a feeling of confidence gaining ground with respect to the discussions upon the Budget and Commercial Treaty ; the first quotation was 95f 951 from whence they advanced to 951 livers, but that figure was not maintained to the close. Yesterday, a alight reaction occurred to 95 951; today a further fall has taken place owing to considerable sales upon political rumours : Con- sols close finally 95951 after being 946. New -Three per Cents and Re- duced, 95/ 951; Indian Rupee Five per Cent Stock-good at-the-quotation, 98 98k; Exchequer Bills, 2428. Bank Stock closes, 229.231. The Foreign Stock Market has been quiet but firm, and prices-generally do not show much alteration except in Mexican and Turkish 'Stocks, the former having advanced nearly 1 per cant upon recent advioes, and the latter, after a good amount of business, closing at the improved figures of 791 80 for the Old Six per Cent and 67 an for the New Ditto, making a rise of 1 per cent in 'both instances. Spanish improved with 'Portuguese about 1 per cent, but 'the market is dull again todays the former leaves oft' 4,5 451 -and the latter 44 44k; Peruvian Four-and-a-tralf per Cent steady, 94-a 951; Ditto Three per Cent, -71 72; Ditto Uribarren, 81 $2; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 81 82; Venezuela Three per Cent, 27 28; Grenada Active, 16 17; Ditto Deferred, .41 6; Chilian 'Six per Cents, 103 105; Ditto Four- and-a-half per Cent, 87 89 ; Victor Emmanuel, .92 93; and Sardinian, 86 86 ; RUSSIell Three per -Cent, 65 66; Mexican, 211 -22k; Brazilian, 102 103; Buenos Ayres, 83 85; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, .22 23. A good deal of business has been negociated inEadway Shares through- out the week, establishing a rise of 1 1 sad 2 per cent all round. Midland, 109f 1091, 1 per cent advance,- London and North-Western aboati per cent; 94 99k; London and South Western 92f 931; Lancashire and 'Yorkshire, 1001. Great Northern Stock has advanced 2 per cent, leavingsoff 110 111. North Staffordshire, 31 st dia. Manchester, Sheffield, and lincoln shares have been in demand, and close 40 41, showing rather more than 2 per cent rise. South-Eastern has likewise been purchased again at an im- provement of per cent, closing 881 ; London and Brighton, ILI 112. The next settling will take place on Wednesday the 22th instant. The Indigo Market exhibits a much better tone, and prices have im- proved. Bombay and Baroda, 96 97; Madras, 971 98k; East Indian, 1011 101f ; Great Indian Peninsula, 981 991. French shares have shown firm- ness, but in consequence of the reported news of-the intended seizure by the Spanish of territory in Morocco, they have today slightly receded. Lom- bardo-Venetian, II 11; Paris and Strasbourgs, 24 251; l'aris and leyomt, 35 35i; Northern of France, 351361.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, , ap. 32.-for the weekending on -Wednesday the 125 day of February 1960.


Notes Issued A29,974,190 Government Debt S11,015,10 Other Securities 3,459,900 GoVd Coin and Unition 44,433,190 Silver Bullion — £20,928,190 I £28,950,190


Proprietors 'Capital £14,633,000 I GovernmentSecurities(imete.

Rest 3 ,145,063 I ding Dead liVeightAanuitg). SI0,171,190 Public Deposits 77,349 Other Securities 90,910.939

Other Deposita 1449 l,528 Notes -5,31C,Soo Seven Days and other lints . 707,473 : Gold and Silver Coin 423,634 — — £40,174,813 I 540,174,013 • Including Biehequer, Se ving-lbuilus,Commisslonersof National tebtAinillSiv . Acct.