Lein . Fir Ehitu.
TUE WEST rums AND A3IERICA. ,North Drizton, .February 24,1860. Sut—I have read with great interest the letter of your intelligent cor- respondent "Otto Wenkstem," and agree with......
Raris Correspondent Says That "whatever May Have Been...
the unpopularity of the treaty of commerce, and of its having a merely political object, it is quite clear that both countries are preparing to take advantage of its......
SATURDAY MORW1NO. Mr. NEWDEGATE maintained the proposition that the prosperity of the country for the last ten years was not entirely caused by free trade, but 'by the discovery......
Money Market.
STOCK Exemours, FRIDAY Armaxoes. The English Markets have been - firm and rather more animate this neck. Consols were first quoted on Monday eteady at 940 94 ' t and continued......