25 FEBRUARY 1860, Page 7


The Lord-Mayor of Dublin gave a banquet on Monday to inaugurate his reigtr, Lord. Carlisle was present, and he made &pleasant speech, suggested,, by a sneer of Mr. Osborne's, that the officeof Lord.-'Lieute- nant had no solemnity-or gravity abouti4, and thattheVimany-derneaned himself to open baths and washhouses. Lord Carlisle, having: com- mented ointhe growing prosperity of the country, said he had thei fullest sympathy with every pulse of its gladness. as well as its sorrow..

"The only overterinie-I find alleged against me is that I opened baths and washhouses. (Laughter.) Well, I confess. I am. ready. to do so any number of. teues again. (.ffear, hear). 1 hope' it willauit be thought a. mortal sin that I am engaged in putting up a drinking-fOuntain ; nay, moreover, I shall hail witlithe utmost pleasure the time—though, damns. Ldo not breathe a syllable about the most proper means of accomplishing it—for bringing, into all the streets, and households, and rooms of Dublin a capacious supply of pure and wholesome water ; and, if I should not be thought to be diving too low, I have no scruple in wishing the utmost possible prosperity to the penny banks of the c4." (Loud cheers.)

Captain William Staekpole has been elected for the borough of Bemis without opposition.