The battle concerning the Regius Professorship of Greek at Oxford
will now never be fought out, as a third party has stepped in and done the neglected duty of the University. The Dean and Chapter of Christchurch, first of course carefully protesting that there is no sort of claim upon them, and armed with a legal opinion from Sir Roundell Palmer to that effect, have consented to do what is not their duty—to allay the irritation in the University and raise Mr. Jowett's salary to 500/. a year. We cannot but regret the failure in retributive justice which this settlement of the question involves, though we are glad that a fine scholar and the best tutor of his time,—otherwise likely enough to have worked for 40/. a year for the rest of his life,—is to suffer no longer for the petty bigotry of Convocation. Perhaps after all, if it had been the duty of Christchurch to endow the Professorahiprand not of the University, the University might have acted more creditably. It was the feeling of duty towards a man they dread and dislike which made the country parsons kick against the pricks. If they had had no sense of dirty to Professor Jowett they might have treated him with common equity.