The Army Estimates Show A Reduction In The Estimate Of
495,6411., being 14,348,447/. as against 14,844,088/. voted last year. Moreover, the amount of extra receipts is estimated at 378,998/., so that the total reduction in charge is......
News Of The Week.
O N Monday night Lord Lyveden stirred up a debate in the Peers about Canada. He professed to be asking a number of questions, but the drift of his speech was that Canada ought......
The President Of The Poor-law Board Has Introduced A Bill
which substitutes Union for parochial rating, and transfers the power of removal from the overseers to the guardians. The Bill is fully explained in aiother place, but we may......
The Military News To The 11th Inst. Is Not Very
important, except indeed an "unofficial "statement received through the Rich- mond papers at the very hour of the mail's leaving that General Sherman had taken the great railway......
We Are Glad To See That Sir Fitzroy Kelly Has
introduced a clause into his Bill for amending the law of evidence now before Parliament, by which the parties to a petition for a declaration of legitimacy under the 21 and 22......
The Danger Is, However, Diminishing. Canada Does Not Come...
the scope of the Monroe doctrine, which, as we have often shown, does not mean America for the United States, but America for its inhabitants, uncontrolled by forcible......
Both The North And South Have Put Out Their Accounts
of the recent fruitless negotiations. Mr. Lincoln's tone is very calm and assured, and to Mr. Seward it is, as it is right that it should be, that of a master. The Richmond......
The Battle Concerning The Regius Professorship Of Greek...
will now never be fought out, as a third party has stepped in and done the neglected duty of the University. The Dean and Chapter of Christchurch, first of course carefully......