Replies to the Third and Fourth Parts of the Bishop
of Natal's "Penta- teuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined." By the Rev. Franke Parker, MA. (Bell and Daldy.)—These replies to Dr. Coleus() are be- come so thoroughly tiresome that we think sufficient justice will be done to this gentleman by saying that he still maintains that there was a universal deluge, and that specimens of all the animals in the world entered the Ark ; and though he holds by Dr. Buckland's defence of the Mosaic cosmogony as a second string to his bow, he prefers Mr. Goose's funny theory that the world was created in strata and full of fossil animals—we suppose to defeat the pride of human learning. Mr. Par- ker also "prays that the God of this world may not blind the Bishop's mind," and mourns over his "spirit of unholy scoffing."