AWAVE of peaceful rumour is passing over Europe. The Russian Government has stated, through an official journal, that it never had an intention of pressing its claims in Bulgaria by any use of force, and that it would now proceed diplomati- cally. Its method, it is understood, is to represent to the Powers that Prince Ferdinand's election, not having been sanc- tioned by them, is illegal. Consequently, he must be sent away, to begin with. A similar view will be pressed upon the Porte, and will be strongly supported by Prince Bismarck, whose organ, the National Zeitung, affirms that the Porte ought to interfere, and that the adhesion of all the Powers to the declaration of illegality is not required. According to all reports from Constantinople, the Sultan will decline to interpose, and will certainly not use force ; but there has been as yet no formal communication to the Palace of the Russian request. It is probable that the Russian Government, and more especially the Czar, is sincerely desirous for the present of proceeding diplomatically; but it will be observed that the immense remittance of stores from the South to the West of Russia does not stop. The railways are now so completely occupied in Government work, that the transmission of heavy articles of produce is practically stopped, grain in particular accumulating in the depots to a most inconvenient extent. As such prepara- tions are expensive, the Government of St. Petersburg cannot be very sanguine of success through diplomacy.