In The Debate Of Monday On Agricultural Depression, Lord...
Manners made what he evidently thought an important announcement. The Government propose to bring in imme- diately a Bill establishing an independent Department of Agriculture,......
Sir William Harcourt's Speech Was One Long Crow Over The
Southwark election,—the news of which was received in the House while Mr. Goschen was speaking,—and one long-con- tinued panegyric of the Parnellites, and especially of Mr.......
When Mr. Balfour Sat Down, Mr. Gladstone Rose And Delivered
one of the most eloquent of all his many great speeches, speak- ing for nearly two hours. He declared Mr. O'Brien and his friends "the advocates and organs of a nation." He......
The Chancellor Of The Exchequer's Speech, Though...
Sir W. Harcourt amongst others,—was a great and impressive effiwt. He remarked on the dismay with which Mr. Gladstone's identification of himself with the Par- nellites had been......
Dr. Cameron's Amendment On The Address Censuring The...
not promising remedial legislation for the Scottish crofters, particularly in the Island of Lewis, came on on Tuesday, and produced an animated debate. The advocates of the......
On Friday Week, The Last Evening Of The Debate On
Mr. Parnell's amendment, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Gladstone, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir William Harcourt were the principal speakers. Mr. Balfour's defence of his policy......
On Tuesday, Sir William Harcourt Addressed The Eighty...
a speech of immense gratulation and triumph, and one intended expressly to cement still more closely the alliance between the Parnellites and the Gladstonians. As for his own......