Personal Narrative of a Journey Overland from the Bank to Barnes. By ars Inside Passenger.
A Second Edition of Mr. Derwent Conway's Solitary Walks through mans Lands, will appear in February.
A.Pe4s9- Rat-Narrative of a Journey through Norway, &e. by the same Antlior, will. forth an early volume of Constable's Miscellany. Tales of the Wars of our Times, by the Author of Recollections of the Peninsula., will be published about Easter. All allegory, entitled a Geographical and Historical Account of the Great WWI& with a Voyage to its several Islands, Vocabulary of the Language, &c. ; illtustIrated: by a Map.
Mr. Berry, author of the Encyclopaadia Heruldica, is about to publish,,torranged in counties (beginning with Kent am! Sussex) the Genealogies of the present resi- dent Families, with numerous Pedigrees, from the visitations of each County. and other authentic Manuscript Collections.
Mr. Hayler has just published at Mentz an edition of the letters of the Emperor. Julian, with some fragments of verse.
BOOKS PUBLIBIIED DURING TIIE WEEK. .e. Ss. f t_ Marshall on Classification of Shipping, Svo. boards . . 0 G 0
Barker's Cicero's Catilinarian Orations, 121no. boards . . 0 5 a Hassey's Explanation of the Bible. Itimo. sewed . . . 3 2 0 Clapperton's (Captain) Journal, 4to. boards . . 2 2 (1 Buckingham's Assyria, Media, and Persia, 4to. boards . . 3 13 a
Emerson's Letters from the /Egean, 2 vols. post 8vo. boards . 0 18 0 Rank and Talent, by the Author of Truckleborough Hall, 3 vols. post
8vo. boards . . . . . . . . 1 8 es The Modern Martyr, 2 vols. 12ino. boards . . . 0 10 0
County Album of England and Wales, l2nio.lif,b(1. . 0 5 G Last of the Plantagenets, Svo. bds. . . . , 0 12 0
Major's Medea of Euripides, post 8vo. bds. . . . . 0 5 0
Leifchild's Help to Reading the Scriptures, I2mo. bds. . . 0 2 tl Modern Martyr, 2 vols. 12mo. bdS. . . . 0 10 0
James's Pastoral Letter . . . .- a . . Spirit and Manners of the Age, 1 vol. 8vo. . . 0 11 0. Walsh's Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England, 3d edit. bds. . . . . . . . . 0 12 0. James's Christian Charity Explained, 2d edit. bds. . . 0 ti 0, Neck's Romance of History, 3d edit.