We Wish We Could Say Any Good Of An Historical
novel called the Castilian, in three volumes, written by a Spaniard. It is the His- tory of PEDRO the Cruel, King of Castile. It is useless to say what there is not in the book:......
The Universities.
OXFORD, January 20.—The Vice Chancellor and the Dean of Christ Chsizsdi have issued the following notice :— " The Right Hon. Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, upon offerinig a......
The Last Of The Plantagenets * Is A Singular Publication
: it is a 'fiction, but so feigned as that it may be supposed a real production of the times in which it is ostensibly written. Now the writing of the oldest English authors,......
Gleanings. ,
THE PECULIAR Loox or NAPOLEON.—As soon as the quadrilles were over, (at a masked ball at the Tuileries,) the country-dances began, and the at- tendants upon the court entered......
Literary Announcements.
13001IS IN THE PRESS, OR PREPARING FOR PERLICATfoN. Personal Narrative of a Journey Overland from the Bank to Barnes. By ars Inside Passenger. A Second Edition of Mr. Derwent......
The Church.
The King has been pleased to g rant to the Rev. Thomas Sin g leton, Clerk, Mister of Arts, the place and di g nity of a Canon or Prebendary of the Cathedral Church of Worcester,......