The Madras and Arabian, which have arrived at Liverpool from Calcutta, furnish its with; intelligence later only by a few days than that received by H.M.S. Undaunted, told reported in our 27th Number. The second despatch of Company's Ships took place this week-like the first, earlier than was oriei redly intended. We believe that the Company's own cargoes this season have net been so large as usual, and that the officers generally have by no means tilled their tonnage. The state of the markets in India, which are every- where glutted. with European goods, and the increasing scarcity of Bills on Eng- land, have induced most of them to provide letters of credit as funds for their China and homeward investment.
Arrived. Off Portland, Jan. 19th, Duke of Bedford, Morris, from Bombay; sailed 3d March, Cape, Sept. Oil, and St. Helena, Nov. 29111. At Liverpool, Jan. 17th, Madras, C hristi en, and '21st, Arabian, Wells, from Calcutta. The former left the Sand Heads on the 23c1, and the latter on the 27th Aug. At Calcutta, Aug. 18th, Rapid. Bluffly, from Liverpool. At Penang, Aug. 24, H. C. S. Duchess of Athole, and 11th, H. C. S. Castle Huntly, both from London and India, for China. The H. C. Ships, Berwickshire, Duu ire, Edinburgh, and Abercrombie, Robinson, from Lon- don and India, had all passed Penang on or previous to Aug. 6th, on their voyage to China. At Singapore, H. C. S. London, from London for China, and in the Straits of Sunda, Scipio, Petrie, from Liverpool for Singapore, dates not reported. sailed. Front Gravesend, Jan. 20th, H. C. S. Inglis, Dudman, for Bengal anti China, and Royal Admiral, :Wilson, for Calcutta. 21st, H. C. S. Farquharson, Cruickshank, for Bengal and China, and 22d, Albion, Mott, for New South Wales. From Liverpool, Jan. 15th, Bateman, Bleasdale, for Bombay.
Spoken. Tigress, from Clyde, to Van Diemen's Land, Nov. 20, lat. 9, long. 22. Pyramus, from London to New South Wales, Nov. 1611;, 8 north, 19 west. Packet, APArthur, from Calcutta to Liverpool, Aug. 29th, in the Bay of Bengal. The Hopeful, from London to the Cape, has put into Cowes, leaky, and must discharge.