25 JANUARY 1829, Page 14


Tuesday, Jan. 20,


Anderton and Sons, Pilkington and Manchester, fustian manufacturera-J. Ward and G. Bawer, Sheffield, wine-merchants-M. A. de Freitag and A. On Costa, Tokenhouse-yard, merchants-W. and S. Harvey, Frome-Selwood, ironmongers- A. Hanby and W. Green, Sheffield, saw-rnanufacturers-R.R. Lingard, J. Vaughan, and A. Lingard, Heaton-Norris, Lancashire, attornies ; as far as regards A. Lin- gard-W. Louth and J. Wilson, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers-G. Waldron and It. Watts, Bath, surgeons-S. Faulkner and G. Charlton, Manchester,, coach-lace- manufacturers-C. and E. Beach, North Atalley-street, oilmen-C. Welstead and R.

S. Surtees, Berners-street, solicitors-R. Rake and W. Skinner-R. Edwards and F. Taylor, Lawrence-lane, general-warehousemen-Carter, Pitcher, and Carter, King's Lynn, Norfolk, merchants.


Jan. 16-John Copley, Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, upholsterer. Jan. 19-Arthur Miller Rose, Stock-Exchange, and Hertford-place, New Bagger- ston, coal-merchant.

Jan. 20-James William Buckland, Great Tower-street, tailor.

Joseph John Candlin, Fenchurch-street, merchant.


Elizabeth Kershaw, Milnrow, Lancashire, flannel-manufaeturer, to Feb. 7. Frederick Broughton, Great Russell-street, chymist, from Jan. 23, to March 13.


William Pyne, Great Scotland-yard, Westminster, broker, to surrender Jan. 23, 30, March 3, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitors, Messrs. Venning and Naylor, Copthell-court, Throgmorton-street. John Brindley, Shelton, Staffordshire, earthenware-manufacturer, Feb. 2, 3, March 3, at the King's Head Inn, Shelton; solicitor, Mr. Wheeler, Gray's-inn-place. James Goodwin, Manchester, flour-dealer, Feb. 6, 7, March 3, at the Star Inn, Manchester : solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Parry, Temple.

Hugh Powell, Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, cornfactor, Jan. 29, 30, March 3, at the Crown Inn, Boroughbridge : solicitors, Messrs. Dawson and Hawkins, New Bos- well-court, Carey-street, Jacob Manger, Mount-street, Berkeley-square, grocer, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, March 3, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Brooks, Lincoln's-inn-fields. John Kendrick and Thomas Bruze, Tipton, Staffordshire, engineers, Jan. 29, 30, March 3, at the New Inn, Walsall : solicitor, Mr. White, Lincoln's-inn.

Robert Griggs, jun., Eltham, Kent, farmer, Feb. 12, 13, March3, at the Guildhall, Canterbury; solicitors, Messrs. Dan son and Hawkins, New Boswell-court, Carey street, Lincoln's-inn. Thomas Hodgson Leighton, Myth, Northumberland, manufacturing-chemist, Feb. 9, 10, March 3, at the George Inn, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: solicitor, Mr. Plumptree, Lamb-buildings, Temple. Samuel M'Kee, Liverpool, merchant, Jan. 30, 31, March 3, at the Clarendon Rooms, Liverpool: solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock and Bunce, King's-bench-walk, Temple. James Wright, Ashton-under-Line, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturer, Feb.., 5, March 3, at the White Bear Inn, Manchester solicitors, Messrs. Clarke, Richards, and Medcalf, Lincoln's-inn-fields.

John Dobbs Sloper, Store-street, Bedford-square, hoot and shoe-maker, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, March 3, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Cates, Robert-street, Adelphi.


Feb. 12, C. Bishop, Frome-Selwood, victualler-Feb. 10, G. Rurdy, West Derby, Lancashire, glass-mannfacturer'Feb. 20, T. Hampton and E. Hooper, Rhayader, Radnorsaire, bankers-Feb. 12, J. Slay, J. Wyborn, IV. White, and J. Mercer, Deal, bankers-Feb. 12. J. Baron, Blackburn, calico-manufacturer-March 10, J. Muir, Liverpod, merchant-Feb. 13, J. and C. F. Hayes and C. M'Callam, Aldbury-mills, Surrey, paper-manufacturers.


Ts be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Feb. 10. E. Ashton, Ashill, Somersetshire, butter-factor-J. Robinson, Warbreek-moor, Lancashire, victualler-J. Moore, sea. Burnley, Lancashire, cotton-spinner-T. G. Martin, Tareadneedle street, broker-R. Paten, Paddington-canal, Paddington, slate- merchant-J. Eden, Wootton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, scrivener-W. Renell, Monmoutl, skinner-R. Back, Compton-street, Clerkenwell. back-maker-T. C. Smith, St James's-street, Westminster, bookseller-T. Robinson, Birkby, York- shire, woustapler-W. Bury, Nottinghill, Middlesex, dairyman-W. Spice, Chert- sey, Surrey, grocer-D. S. Cafe, Beaumont-street, Marylebune, grocer.

Friday, Jan. 16.


T. Shay and T. Searle, Marlborough-square, Great Peter-street, 'Westminster, cabinet-rxakers-J. Dorriugton and B. Smith, jun., Birmingham, steel toy-makers- J. Whalley and Son, Holbeck, Yorkshire, woolstaplers-G. Bangley, W. Nett, and G. Tenntint, Budge-row-R. and C. Maile, Keppell-row, New-road, Fitzroy-square, masons--S.F. and H. J. Hall, New Bond-street, copper-plate-engravers-S. Mar- tin and I. Baker, Cheltenham, coal-merchants-J. Wayland and Co., Bristol, plumbera-B. Gottheimer and G. Novra, Liverpool, merchants-S., W. C., and E. Bowly, Cirencester, Glocestershire, mealmen-Heywood, Brothers, and Co., Man- chester aid Stockport, bankers ; as far as regards R. Heywood-T. Black and A. Cromer, Aberdeen, druggists-Parish and Stattars, Mellor, Lancashire, cotton- spinners-A. R. F. Rosser, and It. H. Jones, Great Ormond-street, Queen-square, attorniee--Sims and Salthouse, Preston, builders-Watson, Broughton, and Hay- ward. Falcon-square, attornies ; as far as regards J. Hayward-Binna, Hadwen, and Co. merchants-W. Franklin anti W. J. Hamilton, York-street, St. James's- square,tailors-P. Greenall, W. Pilkington, J. Bromilow, and J.Bernes,St.Helen's, Lancasaire, crown glass-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Bromilow and J. Barnes-R. Yates and W. Walker, Preston, haberdashers-Viekress and Son, Al- dersgate-street, wine-merchants-J. and T. Beale, Winchester, linendrapers-R. Walmedey and W. F. L. St. Dejean, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, wine-mer- chants-G. T. and J. King, Pudding-lane, wine-merchants.


Jan. 21-Joseph Tango, Grappenhala Cheshire, dealer. Jan 23-William Hare, Marchmont-street, Russell-square, silk-mercer.


Janes Cardinal, Halsted, Essex, currier, to surrender Jan. 30, Feb. 6, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basing,hall-street : solicitor, Mr. Hewitt, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothaury. Jonathan Thompson, Great Quebec-street, Marylehone, merchant, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitor, Mr. Noy, Cannon- street, City.

Joseph Wilkinson, Barge-yard, Bucklersbury, merchant, Jan. 27, Feb. 10, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Nicol, Queen-street, Cheapside. John Peer, Coleman-street and Bishopsgate-street-Within, coach-master, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street : solicitor, Mr. Gates, Lombard-street.

David Goatley, Windsor-place, City-road, and Nun-court, Aldermanbury, iron . monger, Jan. 27, Feb. 3, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street solicitor, Mr. Hyde, Ely-place, Holborn.

Edward Cock, Eastcheap, stationer, Feb. 3,6, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, BastnabaU-street : solicitors, Dlesars. Stratton and Overton, Shoreditch.

Samuel Cooper, High-street, Wapping, victualler, Jan.30, Feb. 10, March 6, at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street: solicitor, Mr. Ratanle, Pancras-lane. Samuel Hooper, Luston, Herefordshire, mason, Feb. 10, 11, March 6, at the Red Lion-inn, Leominster : solicitor, Mr. Smith, Basinghall-street.


Feb. 13, W. Benton, Vange-Wharf, Essex, wharfinger-Feb. 24, J. Carr and D. R. Tetley, Leeds, merchants-Feb. 16, J. and T. Close, and S. Reinhold, Manchester, merchants-Feb. 16, W. Coupland and AV. B. Colton, Liverpool, merchants-Feb. 16, T. H. Potter and W. Gardner, Menchester, engravers to calico printers-Feb.16, W. Smale, Bedminster, Somersetshire, victualler-Feb. 19, G. Coulson, Derby, slater-March 2, It. Hetherington, Macclesfield, currier-Feb. 13, G. Hewett, Fair- hub-House, Oxfordshire, banker-Feb. 14, P. T. T. Stubington, Winchester, builder-Feb. 12,3. Litchfield, Cambridge, gardener-Feb. 13,3. T. Quinlan and J. '. Stokes, Grosvenor-market, Hanover-square, dyers-Feb. 17, J. and J. Gaskill and J. Clementson, Minories, merchants-Jan. 30, J., R., and It. Butler, Austin- friars, merchants-Feb. 13, J. Town, Croydon, innkeeper-Jan. 27, E. Humphreys and B. Bailey, jun. Size-lane, dry-salters-Feb. 13, R. Wardle, Grosvenor-street, West Pimlico, carpenter-Feb. 13, C. Nancolas, Tothill-street, Westminster, cheese- monger-Feb. 19, E. Wylde, Royton, Lancashire, cotton-spinner-Feb. 16, W. Thompson, Rawden, Yorkshire, merchant.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Feb.13. I. Alexander and A. Stodart, Upper Claptou, brick-mtkers - W. Wetherell, Holme-House. Yorkshire, horse-dealer-R. Spencer, Liverpool, flour-dealer-J. Pain, Luton, Bedfordshire, straw-hut-manufacturer-H. Arkell, Charlton, G locester- shire, corn-dealer-J. Jones, New Bond-street, linendraper-J. Morgan, Bromyard, Herefordshire butcher-T. Crawshaw, Leeds, wool-stapler-W. B. Fox, Crawford- street, Marylebone, oil and colourman.