The Matey Market has shown great firmness mincing the past week. The business in the English Funds has not been very extensive. Consols for illoney have been as high as S.44, which with time dividend is equal to 91). 'File settle., went of the Am.comint for January took place on Wednesday ; when a very large quantity of stock (upwards of a million) was taken by one individual. A de- mand was thus created for Stock for immediate delivcry', and at one period the price of Console for the February Account was only one-sixth higher than for 'coney: the difference has since increaseal to A per cent.; thui affotding an interest Iii 11 pm cent, on the capital employed. Time demand for Money Stock has again occurred to-day ; and there is now an appleciable difference, the price
both for •y and Account being SSI jj.
In the Foreign Market, a very large delivery of Dutch 24 per Cents. has taken place ; the price, however, is still well sustained. A demand has occurred for Brazilian Bonds. which have advanced to 69 4. Belgian, Russian, amid Dan:sh Stocks, are nearly as last week, except that no further sales of Russian Bonds have taken place, and the market is firmer at the nominal price. We have to record some transactions in the new Greek Loan : the French pertion has been quoted as high as 1004, wlmile to day a bargain has been effected in the Russian at 100. The Bonds of the English 'Guarantee are at 1134 to 114; making the priee of the Oninium about 1044. The transactions in Spanish Cortes Ronda have been unusually large. On Wednesday, we received intelligence of the change of Ministry in Spain. This has materially advanced the prospects of the Constitutional party In the
Peninsula, and as a necessary consequence, excited the hopes of the holders of Spanish Stock. Some very large purchases occurred on the first receipt of the intelligence, and forced up the price from 224 to 25; a reaction to 244 has since occurred ; and theClosing price is 24/ I.
The recent intelligence from Lisbon being of a more favourable character than previous adviees, and the chances of the ultimate success of Don PEDRO being materially increased lw the change which has taken place in the Ministry of Spain, the Bonds of the Portuguese Regency Loan have been in great vogue. at prices nearly 2 per cent. higher than last week.
. The Alining Shares are still flat. Those of the Del Monte Mines are about 2/. lower than at our last report. Mexican Bonds are rather higher, viz. 384 and Columbian Stock has experienced an improvement of about pm cent., the price being 24
The French mails of Wednesday and Thursday have both arrived this morn- ing. The piice of the Funds in Paris haul experienced a decline of about 45 centimes. An improvement of about per cent. had taken place in tire price of the C'ortes Bonds ; the last quotation on Thursday being 20. The price of those Securities here has been this morning as high as 25, but several sales have depressed the market as low as 24% • at whiell price a very large operation was eirevted ; the price is now 24;: 'file Regency Bonds are lower' and are quoted at 57" 5. The 31. g Shares still continue depressed. Del Monte are at 49 50; and United 31exican 104 per shame.
Consols for Account close at 881 4. In the 'Foreign Market, Spanish Stock and the Bonds of the Portuguese Regency have been the chief objects of attrae- ; the former have been rather more in demand, and have been quoted at 241, but close at the morning's prWe, viz. 241 4. The Portuguese Stock has also found purchasers at higher prices, and is now 584. for the next Account. No alteration has taken place in the prices of the 111. g Shares; the markets for which are still dull. A ham gain has been effected in the course of the after. noon in Austrian Bonds, at 974. 3 per Cent. Consols. :NI lietgian 5 per Cts.. 96 4 Mexican 6 per Cts.. 38 Ditto Mr Account 881 I Brazilian 5 per Cts. 69 4 Portuguese 5 p. Cts. 58 3 Net 3/per Cent.Ann. 9.-tZ 64: Danish3 per Cts... 7344 Do. Itegen.S.5p.Ct. 57jfla•
Bank tgoek 2134 I Duteh 24 per Cts... 491 4 Prussn.1818, 5p.CL Stock — I French 3 per Uts... — Russian„1822.5p. et 1034 4
Echetapier Bills 46 47 I Greek,1833,5p.Cts. 1t14 3 Spanish,1821,5p.Ct 24:
An it ed —In the Poo us. Jan. 211, Arab, Sparkes. from Bemtal. At St. Helena, Dee. 3.1. Kent. Coultro; and 411L Spence. I ranlie, from Bombay ; 8111, Gelato°, Mack. from Bengal; Mk Mona, Bout:mit ; and 10th, African, Damon& from Mauritius; and 11th. °mules. (en mm; from Betetal. At the Cape, Del. 201h, Sherburn. Cot byn. from Ben- t-.t1; tttm. l'ooshy, NenIZIt ; and Nov. 7111, George anal Mary, Ito'lerts, from Mattri. tin.. At Nladra,. Aug. 25th, I tole M.Naghten. Faith; and 31st. Protector, linnet]. slum, from 101111011; and David, 'Barclay, from Sunderland; and Sept. 4th, Royal William, Irelatel, Dont London. At Bengal, Aug. 15th, Hall, Hughes; and 19th, Cain intim, Smith. from LiNerpooll.
Sailed—From Gravesend, Jan. 21st, Coliseum, Stodart, for China; and 22d, Olive Branch, St itling, Mr the Dupe.