Preparatory Education Of East India Officials.
ONE of the most accomplished Hindoos who ever visited England was the late Rajah RAMMOHUN ROY. He was a clear-Leaded man of business in his own country ; and, for a foreigner,......
Civic Feasting At The Public Expense.
LET the gormandizing portion of the Aldermen and Common- Councilmen uf the City of London eat and spare not, for verily evil days are at hand for all such. Feasting and excur-......
Was The Bank Charter Bill Carried By Bribery?
Mucti has been said of the bribery practised by the United States Bank in the abortive attempt to procure a renewal of its Charter. The application of similar means by the Bank......
City Improvements And City Churches.
THE Morning Herald has been lately making such a prodigious outcry against the removal of City Churches, that we began to think that nothing short of the destruction of the......