LAPORTE. has issued the usual circular announcing the commencement of the Opera season ; the preparations for which, he ssys, have been de- layed by legal questions. The Kirg's Theatre opens on the 13th of next month. with ,inna Bolt-nut, I110110 110t with PASTA; and TAGLIONI as La S.clphidc. AsT A is to be with us, but not till after Easter. BLAsts, who returns after a three years' absence, will, we suppose,. commence the season.
The new Vocalists are GIULIETA, Gam, and Madame UNGFIElti. from the Italian Opera, Paris ; mid I5'ANII0EE, the Russian tenor. Glum performed once or twice at the conclusion of the season under Mostcs. MASON'S managetnent.
LARrActn..., too, revisits us again ; and we are to have TAMBURINI
and ZUCCIIELLI,--a fine trio of basses. RUBINI will be the prin- cipal tenor. DoNzEt.Li is not engaged this season. A Mademoiselle SALVE also makes her debut ; and Madame TAMBURINI has an engage-. meta, CASTELLI is sempitenial.
LEJEUNE is to direct the Choruses; and we hope for a mitigation of the "pains and penalties " their most sweet voices have too often in- flicted, as it is promised that "special care will be taken to improve them." We fear there is more room than material for improvement :. but good drilling will do wonders. TAGLIONI is Queen of the Ballet ; which is to be under the superin- tendence of Monsieur TAGLIONI. The ELSLERS, too, are reengaged,. and DUVERNAT. COULON, PERROT, and M. HENRI VALUER, are the principal male dancers. We are sorry to miss Auntar. The Band will be as before, led by SPAGNOLETTI, with DRAGONETTI as principal double bass; and COSTA as Director of the Music and. Composer.