There has been a Ministerial crisis at Madrid ; the
origin of which is still enveloped in obscurity. Thus much seems oertain- Narvaez has not only abdicated the Premiership, but left the country : Bravo Murillo has been appointed President of the Council, and Beltran de Lis has accepted the portfolio of Foreign Affairs. All the new Ministers are said to belong to that section of the Moderado party which advocates economical and administra- tive reforms. In their programme, presented to the Cortes on the 16th instant, they promise extensive retrenchments in the public expenditure. The stability of the new Cabinet appears to be much doubted : it consists of men of irreconoileable opinions on many points ; it is a compromise between the compound recom- mended to the Queen by Narvaez, and that which the Queen- Mother advised her to adopt; and it is threatened with a strong opposition. Tranquil Belgium, too, has supplied a Ministerial resignation. General Brialmont, the Minister of War, announced in the Cham- ber of Deputies, on Monday last, that he could not realize the re- ductions in his department contemplated by his colleagues. M. Rocier and his colleagues resigned in consequence; but resumed their offices next day, at the request of the King, with the excep- tion of General Br'almont, whose portfolio is held ad interim by the President of the Council. The resignation is regarded as having been a mere form in order to get rid of the present War Minister.