The United States Mail Steam-ship Atlantic, Which Left...
New York on the 28th December, has been driven back to Cork harbour.- She met with-uninterrupted gales from the West, but sped her way with power and safety till the 6th......
The Morning Journals Give Great Space To The Report Of
"an important meeting" at Manchester on Thursday night, under the designation of a social soirée, "at which was put forth," by Mr. Cobden, says the re- porter of the Times, " a......
Letters From Berne, Of The 21st, State That An...
had broken out at Intorlachen and that a band of insurgents had attacked the Government House. The insurrection is more probably a mere mob resistance to an order lately given......
SATURDAY. The Ministerial crisis in Paris remains unmitigated. • M. Leon Fau- cher had made the attempt to form a Ministry from the minority of 286, and had failed ; and the......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FarnAy AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market, though rather firmer than at the commence- ment of the week, continues heavy. On Monday, a large and influential sale......