Grizzled Squirrels
We have yet to see grey squirrels in our woods. If they are coming, they are slower in their advance than was once feared. The reds have it to themselves here, although I expect the greys to arrive in due time. Two winters in succession I have been startled to see what I took to be grey squirrels. Each time a second glance was enough to assure me that they were not the infamous grey tree rats. Hibernation does not improve a squirrel's coat, and it was poorness of condition and a grizzled tinge on both specimens that caused me to mistake them for greys. The one I saw this week was on the top of a thorn tree, far from his quarters. There was a wintry sun and a mild breeze. He ignored me as he did the scolding of a blackbird, and I watched him for several minutes ,during which he took the air and looked about.