The Tomb Of St. Peter
SIR,—May I comment very briefly on Janus's remarks about St. Peter's tomb in your issue of December 28th ? A good deal vf loose information has been published on this subject,......
The Palestine Legacy
SIR,—May I be permitted to raise a point of fact in connection with your note on " The Palestine Legacy," which appeared in your issue of January 18th. You refer to the "......
Rent Tribunals
SIR,—In his commendably short letter " A Landlord " has contrived to introduce quite a number of factual errors, evidently due to an acquain- tance with the Rents Acts which is,......
"congregational Praise"
SIR,—Mr. Hobbs does well to point out some of the fine tunes in Congregational Praise. I could add some more: Thornburv, Abbot's Leigh, Traveller, Vulpius—tbe list might be......
Letters To The Editor
Education Costs SIR,—It seems to me that there is a possible alternative to some of the proposed education cuts which are causing such an uproar in certain quarters. Why should......