IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week. February 5th, addressed Crossword. 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post thal day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
11111G11111111k1 111.
11111111111111 II it II II 1111.1
1111■ 1111111114 zsgimMINNI It im VIA /I 111111111ii II k
II II II III ;riming! molmmaiimilm
I. Politician in the midst of a fortune makes little of it. (6.) 4. Pawns set for cooking. (S.) 10. Date in the arctic winter': (4. 3.) 11. The long and the short of it in verse (7.) 12. It puts a stop to old-fashioned mourn- ing, perhaps. (4. 6.) 13. Returning half of 4, (4.)
15. It is almost rustiest. (7.)
17. Perhaps • it answers the old question,.
"What did Mr. Gladstone say in '84 ?"
(7.) 19. Pig-skin not for purses. (4. 3.)
21. Analgesic extract of hair mop. (7.)
23. Where to find a cure for insomnia. (4.) 24. " Themts my -!" (Thackeray). (10.) 27. Tree and digger of antique interest. (7.)
28. No carol for a treaty. (7.)
29. Many people say they couldn't. (8.)
30. She had her Bing with a hassock. (6.)
1. Those written by successful examinees ? (9.)
2. They're the making of a man. (7.)
3. Bluebeard was such a successful masher. (4. 6.) 5. A little drink at ten and some meat. (9.) 6. Advertised source of wine. (4.)
7. This would stop the talkies. (7.) 8. "- ! 0 -, the certain knot o peace " (Sidney). (i.)
9. _Doctor unloved in rhyme. (4.) 14. Disguise of Dame Charon.. (10.) 16. Feminine saucer ? (9.) 18. Accurate marksmen hoist with their own Petard'.' (4. 5.) 20. In this case the bookmaker's in the
running. (7.)
22. Batsman's landed ambition. (7.) 23. The money's almost the country, (5.) 25. Call on the road. (4.) 26. " It needs a very clever woman to manage a " (Kipling). (4.)