25 JULY 1840, Page 11


" It is said that Lord Ebrington, feeling the difficulty of the position in which he has been placed by the Repeal agitation, has expressed his determi- nation to retire from the Lord-Lieutenancy of Ireland. Unable to check that agitation, and unprepared to be responsible for the tranquillity of the country, should it be persevered in—which he has every reason to believe will be the ease—he has, after mature deliberation, requested permission to resign an office, the duties of which he can no longer discharge consisimtly with what be considers to be due to himself, and conscientiously believes to be essential to the best interests of the country over which he k placed as Viceroy. " As Chief Governor of Ireland, the irksome and responsible alternative has been imposed upon him of either remaining quiescent, and thus indirectly countenancing an agitation which lie believes to be fraught with danger to the prosperity and peace of the country, or of marking his disapproval of that agi- tion in such a manlier as would cause its immediate cessation; and it is per- fectly obvious, that if unsupported by Ministers in so doing, as a high-minded and honourable gentleman, resignation was his only resource.

"Deeply will we regret if, as our information states, the latter alternative Ins been tbreeed upon Lord Ebriogton. Our information comes to us from a source, the credibility of which we cannot question ; but most earnestly do we hope that such a calamity may yet be happily averted."

The Dublin Monitor, a paper which, without being officially Minii- terial, is very friendly to the men now in office, publishes conspicuously, in the number received this morning, and while it publishes, la- ments, the