The Following Account Of The Insurrection In Syria, A Matter
of more interest than at first appeared, is abridged from a letter dated lleyruth, Ilth June 1840, which trims communicated to time Journal tics 1)e ' hats by a " distinguished......
Our Intelligence From New Zealand Comes Down To The 24th
of March. On the 7th of that month, the Company's ship A delaide, with thirty-six cabin-passengers and one hundred and forty-two labouring emigrants on board, and the Glenbervie......
The Cape Of Good Hope Papers State, That, For The
first time in the annals of the colony, a entire chief had appealed to the courts of law for redress against the publisher of a libel on his character. A cor- respondent of the......
The subject of most interest in Parliament last night, was a cos ' sation in the House of Commons, founded on the statement publielerio. by the Morning Post yesterday, that Lord......