Return for the last four weeks from the undermentioned places—
Weeks ending 26.11 June, 3(1 July, loth July, 17th July.
s. d. s d. S. d: s. d.
London 71 0 .. . 73 11 74 6 75 8 Liverpool 63 S 54 2 67 6 70 11 Manchester ... No return 63 4 6:1 6 78 11
Newcastle 65 2 64 9 67 6 70 1
Hull 60 4 59 7 60 4 Not got.
Can a stronger illustration be given of the absurdity of the Corn- laws than the above? In the four weeks mentioned, English wheat had advanced about 68. per quarter; but the average in Manchester rose no less than 158. 7d. per quarter, and in Liverpool (in three weeks) 158. 9d.! From the 26th June to the ad July the price at Liverpool was unvaried ; 'whilst, according to the average, it fell 9s. 6d. per quar- ter. Can absurdity go further?—Flout a Correspondent.