A turn-out of the Stockport power-loom weavers, which began in
Nifty, has ended by their return to work at reduced prices.
The bank of Messrs. Weaver, Walsh, and Co., the hatters, of Miter- stone, has stopped payment. The business of the bank was very small, Ind merely subsidiary to their mannfaetory. Their trade was prin- cipally to America ; and the whole amount of their debts, which chiefly iclong to their manufacturing department, are estimated at about 10,000/. only, including their bank liabilities. A meeting of the credi- tors is called for Wednesday next, to receive the report of a committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the bank, and adopt proceedings br the winding•up or management of them.—Leicester Chronicle. The Manchester Commercial Bank has been reopened. The busi- ness to which it has confined itself is the payment of its notes dated Nanehester, and that of its drafts dishonoured by the London agents.— ..Jac/Mester Guardian.
The wages of the Sunderland shipwrights have this week been re-
diced front 5s. to 4s. lid. per day. After a few days' strike, they eon- s:ate:1 to the reduction.—Tpe ..1/ceemw.
The information wRich we receive from persons who have the best neaps of knowing the state of the crops in England and Ireland leads is to the painful conclusion, that even it' the weather should continue ine, the crops will be by no means abundant, and that if the weather should be unfavourable the harvest will be decidedly bad. This state 3f things cannot but have a distressing effect upon our manufacturing and trading population, who are now suffering from two had harvests, and the consequent inability of our own population to consume the usual quantity of manufactured goods.—Leeds illercnry, July IS.