In the early part of the week, sales of stock to the extent of about 200,0002. were effected on the behalf of several of the London Fire-insurance Companies, who have been sufferers by the recent fires at St. John's New Brunswick, and in Newfoundland. These losses have been very heavy; one office alone being called
t for 150,0001. The transactions, with this exception, have been of a limited character; and as the investments have not been sufficiently important to absorb the stock thrown upon the market by the sales in 9ncstion prices continue de- pressed. More than once the occurrence of influential speculative purchases has produced an upward impulse; but the improvement has been transient, and prices have again given way. The fluctuation has not exceeded per cent. Consols for Money have been at 95i and 95*, and close today at 95i. The other English Funds have fluctuated proportionally. The premium of Exchequer Bills is the same. Neither is there an- change in Bank Stock.
In the Foreign Market, Mexican Bonds are lower; those of 1846, (the only variety now current,) being from 254 to 24; which is equivalent to 26 for the unconverted Stock, and 151 for the Deferred Stock, both quotations indicating a fall of it to h per cent. • Brazilian Bonds are in demand, and those of the loan of 1824 have advanced between 4 and 5 per cent very recently. The new arrangement of the Sugar-duties, by giving greater currency to one of the staple commodities of Brazil, will materially improve the financial condition of that empire in its relations with its Bondholders in Europe, by affording greater facili- ties for the remittance of the dividends; while the "benefits of an increased com- merce will be directly felt in the augmentation of the revenue derived from Customs-duties. Spanish, Portuguese, and the other European Bonds, are un- changed: the business transacted in all of them has been of the usually limited character,. and does not call for any remark. The Railway Shares are without any fluctuations of moment The prices of most of the higher class have either slightly improved or continued within a trifle of those i given n our last report; but the transactions of the week have been unimportant. The only feature in the New Scrip is, that bargains at very low prices have occurred in many lines which have for some time been entirely neglected. The range of quo- tation for the great majority of Shares of this class may be taken at from half-a- crown to one pound; the lower rates largely preponderating. The French Shares have been all exposed to a serious depression • very many 'both of the Scrip and Constituted Shares having fallen to a discount. This decline has been the result of a corresponding one in Paris; where prices have fallen extensively. A slight upward reaction occurred there on Wednesday; and a consequent improvement took place here yesterday afternoon and this morning. The market, however, i gave way again n the course of the day, in consequence of sales- whence it is inferred that the speculators have received intelligence of another decline in Paris yesterday.
The English Stocks are firmer this morning; Consols for Money haying been done at 953, and for Account at 96. The appearance of the market is good; a sale of 25,000/. at 953 having produced no effect upon it. No change or business of moment has occurred in the Foreign Market The following are the only bar- gains. yet occurring in Railway Shares, which do not indicate any great variation -pnies generally: Caledonian, 121; Ditto, Extension, 03; Direct Northern 1; Eastern Counties 24; Croydon, 23; London and York, 3 1; Midland, New, 383; Newcastle and Berwick, 273 27 63; North British, 353 3; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 73; Portsmouth, Direct, 43; South-eastern and Dover, No. 4, 3-3; Leicester and Bedford, 3- 3 dis.; North Staffordshire, 33 premium; South Midland, 3 premium.
Loth the English and Foreign Funds close at our morning's quotations; scarcely any business of importance having occurred daring the afternoon. The only cir- cumstance of note in the Railway Share Market is the decided improvement in bench Shares; all of which are higher, with a good market at the improved prices. The business occurring in English Shares since the morning has been confined to the following bargains: Aberdeen, 83; Caledonian, 123 133; Ditto, Half-shares, 3; Eastern Counties, 243; Ditto New, 73 3 premium; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 74; Ditto, Half-shares, 18; Great Western 151; Ditto, Quarter- shares, 22 13 223; London and Birmingham, 2303; Ditto, Quarters, 323; Ditto, Fifths, 27; London and Blackwell, 83; London and Croydon, 23; Manchester and Birmingham' 853 63; Bfidland, 149; Ditto, New, 383 9; Scottish Central, 193; South-eastern and Dover, 443 53; Ditto, New, No. 2, 16 153; Ditto, New No. 4,
leans and Bordeaux, 73 8; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 53 3 3; Rouen and
Spar Cent Console
951 Columbian ex Venezuela 15 16 Ditto for Account.... ...... 951" 6 . Danish 3 percents 88 90 3 per Cent Reduced ...... • • 961 Dutch 21 per Cents 594 60 34 per Cents
374 DlttO 4 per Cents 941 5 Long Annuities
101 5-16 Mexican 5 per Cents.. .1846 251 6 Bank Stock .. 207 9 DIM:, Deferred' Exchequer Bills prem. 10 14 Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 44 46 India Stock
Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 . • . • 44 46 Brazilian 5 per Cents
85 7 Russian 5 per Cents 110 112 Belgian 41 per Cents
97 99
Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 244
Chliii" in 6 ,per Cents
98 100 BM° 3 per Casts 1842 364
3; York and North Midland, 101; Boulogne and Amiens, 12; Dutch-Ithenish, ; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 124 13; Namur and Liege, 33; Or- Havre, 27.