Mr. Smith O'Brien has more ostensibly than before espoused the Young Ireland schism. A tea-meeting at Kidrush, last week, was the occasion on which the avowal was made. In......
Mr. Maitland, the Solicitor-General for Scotland, was reelected for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright on Friday last week. The Reverend Charles Wordsworth, son of the late Master......
Zbe Vrobintts.
The reelection of Lord Morpeth for the West Riding of Yorkshire took place on Saturday, in the Town-hall at Wakefield. After being duly nominated by Lord Milton, and seconded by......
Jortign Anti Frolonial.
FRANCE. — The Paris papers are still absorbed in discussing the pro- spects of the election; a majority being anticipated for or against Ministers according to the predilections......