25 JULY 1846, Page 8

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FRANCE.—The Paris papers are still absorbed in discussing the pro- spects of the election; a majority being anticipated for or against Ministers according to the predilections of the disputants. A foreigner has no clue to judge on which side lies the balance; and even for the information of the French themselves there is no machinery to form estimates so trust- worthy as those common among English election-agents. A new batch of Peers has just been created by Royal ordinance, inclu- ding M. Placatory, the French Minister in Greece, and M. Lagrdnee, the negotiator of the treaty with China.

PonruGAL.—The Miguelite insurrection has come to nothing; but there, are rumours from Coimbra of an ultra-Radical disturbance.

TURKEY AND PERsie..—The long-pending dispute between Turkey and Persia has at last been finally settled. Mohamra, on the Persian Gulf, is restored to Persia; and the Sancljak of Soolimanieh is to be retained by Turkey.—Morning Chronicle.

EAST Damns Ann Cnnra..—Accounts from Calcutta to the ad June,. from Loodianah to the 21st May, and from Hong-kong to the 24th May, reached London early this week. At Looclianah a fearful accident had occurred during a hurricane on the 20th May. The barracks were blown down; and fifty men of the Fiftieth Regiment, with fourteen women and twenty Children, perished in the ruins. The list of wounded includes 126 men of the same regiment, and nine women and children. A person who writes from the spot gives the follow- ing particulars- " We had a very heavy storm of dust, wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, at about six last evening. The wind blew with terrific violence for a time; and it seemed to concentrate its violence on the mud or kucha brick barracks of her Majesty's Fiftieth Regiment. The sixth company barracks first fell a victim to. the fury of the elements; and within five minutes of its fall every other barrack shared its fate: the only parts saved of the whole nine buildings were the ends, i.e. the sergeants' quarters- they, having some supports inside, withstood the storm. It seems the barracks have been built on a new principle. It is urged they were only temporary buildings, run up hastily to shelter the regiment. Be it so; but as they. have been standing more than two seasons, it is to be feared that good solid brick barracks woulif not have been thought of again, though ori- ginally designed, had not these been blown down. This is an awful proof of the penny-wise and pound-foolish system. I never witnessed so awful a scene of desolation and death."

The Calcutta Englishman of the 1st June states that the 21st May had been fixed for the surrende- of Sangre. The place, it is said, will be given. upunconditionally. From China one item of news is important: the island of Chusan was about to be restored to the Native authorities, for the reasons assigned in the following


"The autograph assent of the Emperor of China having. been obtained to a public instrument executed between her Majesty's Plenipotentiary and the Chinese ktinister, subject to the final approbation of the Queen, in which among other sti- pulations, the previously questioned right of entry to Canton city is conceded and established under the Emperor's own hand, and the exercise of that right is agreed to be postponed only until the population of Canton shall be more under the control of the local government, this is to make known, that the island of Chusan will be immediately made over to the Chinese officers appointed to receive it; and her Majesty's forces will be withdrawn from that poet with all practical speed. "God save the Queen. J. F. Davis. "Given at Victoria, Hong-kong, this 18th day of May1846, by his Excellency.

"A. R. Joaltsrox."

To prevent any dispute hereafter as to the interpretation of the treaty, an additional convention had been concluded between Sir John Davis and • the Emperor, which the present mail brings for ratification by Queen Vic- toria.

AustaariA.—The last Indian mail brings accounts of the arrival of Dr. Leichardt and his exploring party at Port Essington, after sixteen months' journeying in the desert. The party started from Moreton Bay in October 1844, their object being to ascertain the practicability of open- ing a direct route across the country from Port Essington to Sydney. After much privation the object was accomplished. In the neighbourhood of Carpentaria, M;. Gilbert the naturalist, and Mr. Calvert, having been sepa- rated from the main body, went to sleep on the ground without keeping watch; they were surprised by the Natives, and Mr. Gilbert was killed. His companion escaped with some wounds.

UNITED STATES AND MEXIC0.—The packet-ship Montezuma' which arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday, brings advices from New York to the 2d July; two days later than the news by the Caledonia. No further intelligence had been received from the invading army; and the intelligence from Washington and New York is destitute of interest. Mr. Buchanan has been made a judge.

Stirring accounts have been received from the interior of Mexico. The feeling against Paredes was extending, and had spread into the department of Jalisco, causing a revolt in the city of Guadalaxara. After a short skirmish, the Government troops surrendered; and the insurgents, who were headed by Don Jose Maria Tanez, issued a formal declaration pro- claiming Santa Anna their chief, and declaring that a Congress elected by the people, according to the law of 1824, should meet four months after the liberating army had gained possession of the capital. Don Jose is at the head of the movement; and it is said that he and all the other author- ities connected with the revolt have been called upon to take an oath pledging them to assist in repelling the "infamous usurpation" of the Americans. It is said that Santa Anna was at Havannah. At the de- parture of the Montezuma, a rumour prevailed that Paredes had abdicated his seat; but this rumour was not credited. It was thought more likely -that Paredes has gone to place himself at the head of the force intended to resist the advance of the Aroaricanarmy.