Mr. Maitland, the Solicitor-General for Scotland, was reelected for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright on Friday last week.
The Reverend Charles Wordsworth, son of the late Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and nephew of the eminent poet, has been appointed as Warden of the new Episcopal College at Perth. Immediately after his nomination was made known to him, he sent the munificent donation of 5,0001. towards the funds of the institution.
The statue of Sir Walter Scott, forming part of the Scott momiment at. Edinburgh, is to be "inaugurated "with masonic honours on the 15th of August.
Sir Andrew Agnew, having failed to induce the Edinburgh Railway Companies. voluntarily to suspend Sunday travelling, has fallen back on an old statute which inflicts pains and penalties for pursuing traffic on Sunday. •'Sir Andrew appears as an informer against an engine-driver on the North British Railway, and claims. the statutory penalty of ten shillings Scots or tenpence sterling. The case haa not yet been heard.