On the 19th June, at Moroon Town, Jamaica, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Sr alm Campbell, Bart., Thirty-eighth Regiment, of a son. Iffsethe 16th July, at Calmere Rectory, Hants, the Lady of the Rev. J. B. Bonnie, of
a &muter.
On the 18th, at Longford Castle, the Viscountess Folkstone, of a son. On the lath, in Barkhani Terrace, SL,George'e Cross, Southwark, the Lady of George Sleteher, Esq., of a son.
fiamthe 18th, at Buckland House, near Dover, the Lady of William Martin, Esq., of a eon.
.0n the 19th, at the Vicarage, Great Stukely, Huntingdonshire, the Wife of the Rev. Remy 8weeting, of a son. On the 19th, at the Rectory, Cranes, Leicestershire, the Wife of the Rev. J. H. Hill, Of-a daughter. On the 20th, in Eaton Place, the Lady Of Captain Benson, Seventeenth Lancers, of a son and heir.
Oaths 22d, at Bath, Lady Algernon St. Maur, of a son.
On the 14th July, at St. John's Church, Devizes, the Rev. Mayow Wynell Mayow, Vicar of Market Lavington, Wilts, to Caroline Kate, second daughter of the Rev. Alfred Smith, of Old Park, near Devizes.
On the 16th, at St. Mary's, Donnybrook, by the Rev. Henry Smith, MA., Vicar of Chatham, of Densworth Cottage, Sussex to Mary Ann Sergison, eldest daughter of Richard Palmer, Esq., of Everton, Liverpool.
On the 18th, at St. Pancras Church, John Reid, Esq., R.N., Assistant Surgeon of her Majesty's Dockyard, Devonport, to Mary Ann Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Captain George Charles Stovin, R.N. ,Qn the 20th, at Kimpton, Starts, Captain the Hon. F. W. Grey, R.N., C.B, to Bar- banns Charlotte, daughter of the Rev. F. Sullivan. On the 21st, at Calbonme, Isle of Wight, the Rev. Robert Sumner, Rector of Cal- bourne, to Jane Elizabeth, second daughter of Sir R. G. Simeon, Bart., of Swainston, Isle of Wight. On the 21st, at Trinity Church, St. Maryiebone, George Gustavus Ilona, son of the late Rev. George Monck, to Harriet, second daughter of Sir William Horne, of Upper Harley Street. On the 22d, at Hyde, Isle of Wight, Henry Shone Douglas, Esq., Forty-second Royal Highlanders, second son of the late Major-General Sir William Douglas, K.C.H., of Timpendean, Roxburghshire, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Rev. James Dyke ?doter:worth Mitchell, M.A., Rector of Quinton, Northamptonshire. On the 23d, at St. Marylebone, Reginald Edward Knatchbull, Esq., youngest son of the late Sir Edward trnstelibull, Bart., to Lucy Eleanor, second daughter of Captain William Bowen.
On the 14th July, in Manor Place, Edinburgh, George Paterson, Esq., of Castle Fluntly, late Lieutenant-Colonel Third Fusilier Guards. On the 16th, at Genoa, Lord William Russell ; in his 66th year. On the 16th, at Ballyconra, the Right Hon. Edmund Earl of Kilkenny; in his 76th year. On the 17th, at St. Lawrence, Thanet, Sir Thomas Grey, M.D., F.R.S. On the 18th, at Leamington, Georgina Louisa Tollemache, Wife of John Tollemache, Esq., M.P.; in her 37th year. On the 19th, in Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, Daniel Wakefield, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, one of her Majesty's Counsel ; in lila 69th year. On the 19th, at Prestonfleld, near Edinburgh, Lady Arbuthnot, Widow of the late Sir William Arbuthnot, Bart. On the 20th, in Brytuistone Place, Lady Bernard, Relict of the late Sir Thomas Ber- nard, Hart.; in her 79th year.