Tuesday, July 21.
Pratt and Co. Eccleston Place, Pimlico, carvers-Eillston and Eade, Ipswich, wine- mercbants-Bains and Stains, Louth, Lincolnshire, machine-makers-Read and Sons, Bath, wine-merchants; as far as regards W. Read-English and Son, Liverpool, block- makers-Birkett and Tinkler, Toxteth Park, Lancashire, butchers-Booth and Cross- land, Thuristone, manufacturers-FLadley and Newcomb, Birminglann, surgeons-Gil- bert and Hand, Liverpool, electro-platers-Walker and Co. Bury, machine-makers • as far as regards J. Walker-Walker and Brother. Bury, iron-foanders ; as far as regirda J. Walker-Sampson and Co. Birkenhead, drysalters-Brown and Co. Bradford, York. shire, woolstaplers-lreland and Neal, Birmingham, wire-workers-Moore and Llstor, Doncaster, surgeons-Jones and Francis. Bristol, drapers-Moor Lane Foundry Corn. pony. Kingswinford-Cosway and Co. Tiverton, woollen-manufacturers-Kimicar and Co. Glasgow, merchants ; as far as regards W. K. Lancaster.
CeINES, TORN, ChlaiNI canteio, Somersetsillre, farmer.
MARCUS, HERMAN Jamas, and NAYLOR, Jens, Leeds, share-brokers. THOMAS, Levu), Hargett', Pembrokeshire, corn-merchant.
ALEXANDER, Atzzerrnra and Joits. Exeter, opticians, to surrender Aug. 5, Sept. 2: solicitors, air. Spyer, Broad Street Buildings ; Mr. Turner, Exeter; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter. BlITANT, IsAAC, Victoria Grove, Stoke Newington, builder, July 31, Sept. 1: aolIclv tors, Messrs. Jenkinson, Cannon Street ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Cond. Gams, Wittiest, Dorset Place, Dorset Square, boarding-housekeeper, July 31, Sept' 1: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Mews, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Mr. Green, lUdermanbury. HOLDSWORTU, Wittiest, Ripley, Yorkshire, apothecary, Aug. 1, 24: solieltona, Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane; Mr. Stewart, liorbury, near Wakefield; Mr. Callas, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. PULLMAN, CBABLES, Strand, holler, July 31, Sept. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Reed and Langford, Friday Street ; official assignee, Mr. Absager, Birchht Lane. SIFINDALL, Jour:, Hucknall-under-Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire, baker, July 31, Aug, 21: solicitors, Messrs. Freeth and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Messrs. Freeth and Co. Nottingham ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. TAIrLoa, Joint, Manchester, rope-manufacturer, Aug. 6, 27 : solicitors, Messrs. John- son and Co. Temple ; air. Pollard, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Man- chester. WARD, SAMUEL, Lillypot Lane, lasting-manufacturer, July 28, Sept. 2: solicitor, Mr. Smith, Barnard's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. WOOD, 'Wittiest, Shrewsbury, wine-merchant, Aug. 5, 29: solicitors, Mr. Waft, Shrewsbury; Mr. Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham.
Aug. 14, Goodwin and Lee, Bishopsgate Street Within, ship-owners-Aug. 14, Beat and Snowden, Southampton, printers-Aug. 14, Davies, Aberearne, alonmouthshire, grocer-Aug. 13, Menzies, Gloucester, draper-Aug. 13, Gales and Co. Hylton.Durinfin. ship-builders-Aug. 14,Crabtree and Burnley, Tun.stead, Lancashire, woollen-manufac- turers-Aug. 12, Prior and Brady, Hull, lunsh-manufacturers-Aug. 14, m=71", Sheffield, brewer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Aug. 13, W. and J. Sheffield, Lower Acton Place, Bagnigge Wells Road, grocers-. Aug. 17, Haverd, Llanguinder, Breconshlre, commission-agent-Aug. 17, Bull, Promo Selwood, Somersetalthe, dyer-Aug. II, Gatehouse and Co. Upper Lfsson Street, tim- ber-merchants-Aug. 11, Chapman, Devonport, painter-Aug. 14, Baldock, Notting- ham. grocer-Aug. 13, Mallen, Manchester, milliner-Aug. 12, 111112, Bolton-le-Moors, boiler-maker-Aug. 18, Wilkinson, Manchester, grocer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before August 11.
Clay, Huddersfield, merchant-Godfrey, Midsomer Norton, Somersetshire, linen- draper-Brady, Aston nigh Birmingham, commission-agent-Whitfield, Nottingham, leMonade-manufacturer-Walters, Bri-tol, victualler. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Denew, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, auctioneer ; thy. of 3s. 4d. July 23, and three subsequent Thursdays; Mr. Belcher, King's Anna Yard-Madden, Tottenham, brewer ; div. of 35. July 23, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard- Nicholson, Blackburn, linendraper ; first div. of 4s. 100. July 28, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Birkett, Coekermouth, tanner; first and final div. of 4$. 101d. any Saturday after July 20; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne --J. and J. Brooks, Glastonbury, curriers ; first div. of 4s. nd. July 22, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. hillier, Bristol-Robertson and Co. Liverpool, rope-manufacturers ; final div. of led. July 23, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Brooke, Liverpool, capper; first city. of is. 4d. July 23, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Case- neve, Liverpool-Vertne, Liverpool, merchant; first div. of Is. 6d. July 23, or any sub- sequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Wallace, Durham, grocer ; first dlv. of 24. July 25, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
COCHRAN, T., Edinburgh, laceman, July 27, Aug. 24. GRAHAM, A., Hawick, merchant, July 24, Aug. 14. LOCKHART, R., Glasgow, postmaster, July 27, Aug. 17. Maceusasom, E., Kingussle, merchant, July 27, Aug. 17. 31•Casecs, C., Glasgow, ironmonger, July 27, Aug. 17. PAINLM, D. T., manufacturer, July 25, Aug. 15.
Friday, July 24.
T. and J. Killick, Rived, Kent, millwrights-Heisby and Son, Manchester, plumbers- Adams and Co. Coventry, trimming-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Adams-Walker and CO. Bartholomew Close, wood-letter-cutters-Naylor and Son, Enfield, wine-mer- chants-Cleaver and Clarke, Theobald's Road, gasfitters-N1xson and Co. Manchester, yarn-agents; as far as regards H. Nixson and T. Deane sen.-Rust and Co. ; as far as regards P. Donnelly-Clayton and Wagstaff. Nottingham, lace-dressers-Denton and Co. Sunderland, shipbuilders-West and Son, Wilby, Northamptonshire, parchment- makers-Toynbee and Gibson, Heckington, Lincolnshire, horse-dealers-Amos and Bostock, Walbrook, dealers in sponge-Pottei and Lukis, Sheffield, printers-Hall and Son, Bramham, Yorkshire, plumbers-Wood and Co. Halifax, cotton-warp makers ; as far as regards E. Whiteley-Chemical and Patent 011 Company, Manchester-Jones and Dansey, Weymouth Street, Portland Place, attorniys--Wrigley and Brother, Hollinwood, Lancashire, rope-manufacturers-Ward and Newland, Stratford-upon-Avon, patentees of a certain apparatus for ventilating buildings-Pester, Brothers, Leeds, llnendrapers-W. and H. Thomas and Co. St. John's, Newfoundland, merchants-Cox and Co. Birmingham, victualiers-Pridie and Colin, Melton Mowbray, eheesefactors- Wright and Co. St. Helen's, Lancashire, confectioners ; as far as regards B. Wright- Groves and Woolmore, Greek Street, seal-engravers-Lawton and Co. Manchester, fus- tian-manufacturers; as far as regards J. M. Lawton-Lawson and Oekenden, Little- hampton, Sussex, Iron-founders-G. G. and J. Hellas, Oldham, coal-merchants-Atkin- son and Howe, Penrith, wine-merchants--Temperley and Co. Todmorden and Walsden,
Lancashire, fire-brickmakers. EARSHOT Tr CAWDELL, EDWARD, Hull, toy-dealer, to surrender Aug. 4, Sept. 4; solicitor, Mr. Goddard, King Street, Cheapfdde ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. EATON, WILLIAM CAMPION, Upper Thames Street, wharfinger, July 31, Sept. 12: Solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury.
Gammas% Pam, Woolwich, carver, July 31, Sept. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Pocock and Marston, Norfolk Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
Omar, Jamas, Gilbert Street, Oxford Street, builder, July 31, Sept. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Son, Bouverie Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
E.anour, Tllosi63, Minories, draper, July 31, Sept. 2: solicitors, Messrs. Sole ahd Turner, Aldermanbury; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
EYELET, EDWIN, Hull, merchant, Aug. 5, 26; solicitors, Mr. Llewellln, Noble Street ; Messrs. Richardson and Lee, Hull ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Hull. Karam, HENRY, Fulham, newspaper proprietor, July 31, Sept. I: solicitor, Mr. Bar- nard, South Square, Gray's Inn ; official assignee, ItIr. Follett, Sambrook Court.
Nzwros, Romer, Fleet, Lincolnshire, cattle-dealer, Aug. 8, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Hopkinson and Co. Boston, Lincolnshire; Mr. Griffiths, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
BIDER, FRANCIS, Fakenham, Norfolk, grocer, July 31, Sept. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Flews, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Coirrt.
TOUT, Thomas, Ashburton, Devonshire, grocer, Aug. 5, Sept. 2; solicitors, Mr. Taunton, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Windeatt, Totness ; Mr. Terrell. Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzel, Exeter.
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, Brecon, victualler, Aug. 13, Sept. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Co. Crosby Square ; Messrs. Peters and Abbotts, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Hut- ton, Bristol. WREFORD, Wn.Liam, and Co. stock-brokers, Aug. 10, Sept. 7 solicitors, Messrs. Salrery and Co. Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
Aug. 15, Macdonald, Leadenhall Street, merchant-Aug. 18, R. and J. Bulmer, South Shields, shipbuilders-Aug. 20, fIsher, Selby, Yorkshire, Ithendraper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Aug. 14, Browne, King's Cross, saddler-Aug. 17, Roberts and Hazard, College Hill, paper-agents-Aug. 15, Thorley, Newman Street, Oxford Street, cabinet-maker-Aug. 18, Crane, Crooked Lane, maltster-Aug. 18, Mills and Puckle, Southwark, hop-factors -Aug. 18, Polling, Hay's Wharf; Tooley Street, potato-salesman-Aug. 18, Crampern, Wharf Road, City Road, coal-merchant-Aug. IS, Harris, Leman Street, Goodman's Fields, teacher of the Jews' Orphan Asylum-Aug. 18, Pace, St. Michael's Alley, Corn- hM, general-merchant-Aug. 25, Marsden, Brynmawr, Brecknockshire, linendraper- Aug. 25, Smith, Liverpool, grocer-Aug. 25, Clark, Liverpool, leather-dealer-Aug. 20, Buckley, Dobcross Lane, Saddieworth, woollen-cloth-manufacturer-Aug. 15, Smith, Stratford-upon-Avon, grocer. To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before August 14.
Ross and Burton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, flour-dealers-Lack, Stockbridge Terrace, Pimlico, saddler-Leather and Wardle, Leeds, earthenware-manufacturers-Sanderson, Liverpool, wine-merchant-- Hall, Greystead, cattle-dealer-Bridgwood, Castlechurch, Staffordshire, butcher-Hance, Liverpool, broker-Markwick, Harper Street, Red Lion Square, builder- Pritchett, Charbury, Oxfordshire, glove-manufacturer- Draper, Bishopsgate Street Without, victualler-Birchall, Manchester, share-broker--Walker and Williamson, Leeds, share-brokers. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.
Lim*, Argyle Place, Regent Street, goldsmith ; first div. of 3s. July 25, or any sub- sequent Saturday ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jews-Hodgson, Liverpool, stationer ; first and final div. of 714., any Monday before Aug. 6, or after Oct. 8; Mr. Bird, Liverpool - Pemberton, Liverpool, merchant ; fourth div. of 31d. any Monday before Aug. 6, or after Oct. 8; Mr. Bird, Liverpool-Phillips, Huddersfield, oil-merchant; first and final div. of Is. 84. and 14-161hs of a Id. July 21, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Kynaston, Leeds-Wood junior, Leeds, wine-merchant ; first div. of 61. 3d. July 21, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Mr. Kynaston, Leeds-Butler, Braun% Nottinghamshire, Iron-mer- chant; first and final div. of Is. 104. July 21, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Kynas- ton, Leeds-Agars, Hull, woollendraper • first div. of 42. 5d. July 22, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Kynaston, Hull-Summers and Rae, Manchester, rope-makers ; se- cond div. of Is. 104. Aug. 4, II, or any Tuesday after Oct. I; Mr. Fraser, M anchester- Habgood, Manchester, merchant ; first div. of 14. Aug. 4, II, or any Tuesday after Oct. ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Wren, Preston, share-broker ; first div. of Is. 64. Aug. 4, 11, or any Tuesday after Oct. 1; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Westhead, Manchester, Sznallware-manufacturer ; second dlr. of 71d., and a first and second div. of Is. 71d. on new proofs, Aug. 4, or any Tuesday after Oct. ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Chambers, Issday, Warwickshire, needle-manufacturer; first div. of 85. any Friday before Aug. 17, or after Oct. 5; Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
Bricluu As, J., Barnellan, Stirlingshire, fanner, Aug. I, 22. DRUMMOND, A., Glasgow, woollen-merchant, July 29, Aug. 19. APGazooa, J., Edinburgh, accountant, July 30, Aug. 20. REID, J., Rawyards, Lanarkshire, ironstone-contractor, July 30, Aug. 20.
Sam, D., Dundee, wright, July 30, Aug. 20.