25 JULY 1874, Page 1


THE French Assembly has rejected the Casimir-Perier proposi-

tion to proclaim the Republic by 374 to 333. It has also rejected a proposal to dissolve by 369 to 344' The debate, which we have described elsewhere, began on Thursday at 2.40 p.m., and finished, countings included, before 9 p.m.; the House refusing to hear more than four speakers, MM. Casimir-Perier and D ufaure on one aide, and M. de Broglie and General Ciss ey on the other. It is considered that M. Ventavon's proposal to organise the Septennate as a personal Government will be rejected without discussion, and the total result is therefore this :—The Assembly, which first claimed sovereign and then constituent power, cannot constitute either Monarchy, Republic, or Dictatorship, and will not refer itself to its electors. It will in fact do nothing, except perhaps consent, as it is very hot in Versailles, to a prorogation till December. Under these circumstances, there is no cause for wonder that rumours should circulate in Paris of the Marshal's intention to make an appeal to the people, but there is as yet no evidence that he entertains any such design. Ills idea seems to be to sit quiet, to administer the departments, and to prosecute anybody who suggests or agitates for any pos- sible form of government, more espeeiallythe Bonapartists, whose leader, M. Rouher, is, it is stated, to be tried.