The Prince Of Wales Gave A Fancy Ball On Wednesday,
and the Times of Thursday devoted three columns to an elaborate descrip- tion of the principal dresses worn by both sexes, the general effect being that men nowadays, in......
In Reply, Mr. Disraeli Laboured To Show That He Had
made the Session very busy and fruitful, in spite of the very short notice he had had. The Empire, under the auspices of the new Govern- ment, would not, he hoped, be......
The Ministerial Banquet At The Mansion House On Wednesday...
not very interesting, except in revealing the unsuspected character of flowery and almost Persian poet, which lay hidden beneath the unpretending exterior of the Lord Mayor......
The Dean Of Cheater, Dr. Howson, Has Entered The Lists
as a firm opponent of any relaxation of the law as declared in the Pushes case against the Eastward position of the eelebrant in the Communion Service, on the ground that the......
The Endowed Schools Debate Has Been Raging All The Week,
and making the House of Commons as hot morally as physically. We have reviewed the general tenor of the debate elsewhere, but may add here that the ball was opened on Monday by......
In The Second Night's Debate, Mr. Gladstone Commented...
on the inconsistency of the defenders of the Bill in alleging, first, that the old Commissioners could not carry out new principles, and secondly, that there were no new......
A Meeting Held At The Westminster Palace Hotel On Monday,
to discuss the best means of defeating Lord Sandon's Bill, gave very fair evidence of the way the wind is blowing in the Liberal party. Hardly a single speaker failed to exult......
Even Then The Practical Debate Had Hardly More Than Begun.
All Wednesday and Thursday the war raged fiercely, first over the clause transferring the reorganisation of the Endowed Schools to the Charity Commission, which was ultimately......
Parliament Has Voted An Annuity Of £15,000 A Year To
Prince Leopold, the youngest son of the Queen, and Mr. Disraeli, in moving the grant, took occasion to describe him as as invalid student of " no common order "—which was the......